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About pmacFTO

  1. The button is dodgy on my key and I was wondering where I could get a new one coded. Is there anyone locally to Edinburgh/Livingston etc? Not sure if I can buy a blank on ebay and get ot coded by some company or do I just need to take the hit at Subaru! It's not even a turbo so I grudge paying silly money lol. It's an MY03 newage wagon. Ta for any help
  2. Cheers Arch. Apparently Subaru had so many probs with the original bearings they approved a new modified version and the mechanic said something about some tapering and pre-load and the settings we found for the car in Autodata was 186 which seemed way too tight. He has put it to 126 for now and the drag feels the same as the other wheel. He doesn't want to tighten anymore tho until we get a definite number... Thanks for the quick answer tho m8!
  3. Hi guys, I have a newage GX (AWD) now ( I used to own Irish Al's old newage WRX) and not been posting for a while but I need help. I am supposed to be leaving with the family for a holiday in the Lake District tomorrow and my mechanic has left everything till the VERY last minute but he has finally done the rear wheel bearing that will allow us to pass the re-test for the MOT (runs out while we are away...). He has just left but asked me to find out what torque settings to use on the rear wheel bearing as he says it needs to be the correct amount or it could seize. Any info would be great as I am literally ready to phone and hire a car in the morning in case we don't get it done in time for the re-test. Ta!
  4. Same guy owns the one at Howden, opposite St John's. They have just finished that one too. I think they were putting in more diesel pumps and newer pumps too. Changing times!
  5. Godspeed discs are great for the money and the Kevlar pads were fine too but if you can stretch a bit further you can't go wrong with Ferrodo DS2500 pads - had them on my FTO and then my scoob and love them.
  6. There are two sensors - one is v. expensive and the other is not too bad! I got mine from Japparts and it was a genuine Subaru part of a car for breaking. Worth a look if you want to save a bit of cash. The ones from the main dealer can be expensive!
  7. iirc error codes will reset after 3 starts of the engine (not in quick succession tho) - mine does it when coolant is low (got a wee leak) and it goes off after a few drives then comes back on again until I top it up.
  8. Maybe the police can request the IP address the guy is posting from on YouTube? Or any site he posted on recently may link him to a specific IP range and ISP/region of Spain?
  9. Monstrous car (again!) and great job detailing it but nothing less than I'd expect going by your previous work
  10. I would buy a standard set of alloys and try again - even tho you and I know it's not too much to change the wheel colour or just get new alloys, people just want to buy the car and not have to mess about afterwards. I had a black and white FTO and only after I toned it down did people start asking about it and it sold. PH is a good place for fellow enthusiasts, Ebay is full of numpties, Autotrader is expensive and never once got me a phone call (Scotland is too far away for a lot of buyers) and my mate uses Guntree for all his cars - not cheap ones either - Mercs, Touaregs, 911s etc. Good exposure and as said above - it's local buyers as it's split up by city. Good luck JW!
  11. How much they going for now Al? I am hoping to get a job in a good company soon - friend of mine is trying to get me in there and it's a good position supporting the IT and Infrastructure manager so I'd be looking to get a new turbo estate of some kind - I loved your old one but even in non-pimped guise these cars look awesome
  12. My wife is a vet nurse - she says no to milk as they are essentially lactose intolerant (like cats) and can't digest milk properly - as for honey, it will just rot their teeth!
  13. If it was a wagon I'd buy it back Glad to hear it's all sorted now - be interesting to see what that extra power feels like - I must have been down in power and I thought it was just the old "you get used to the power" syndrome as I had a feeling it was a bit sluggish and had I not sold it Duncan would have had his hands back on it to get it checked out anyway.
  14. Funnily enough I was gonna swap my FTO for one of them a fair few years ago...went for the scoob instead! Might look at these again. Sorry for O/T chat Stephen!
  15. Prius? I need a daddy wagon - high MPG but still a largish estate if you can recommend anything. The Blobeye Sport I have is just not doing it for me!
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