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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. Sound great Grant, I have been up in Lochearnhead and Killin all weekend (except Friday in Largs) - I thought I heard a mighty noise on the A84 /A85 (whatever road it was - thought it was bikes!!!). Were you guys up that way?!? The last one was good - pity I could not make it this time. Brian
  2. Coulty, Thjere is a thread further down the page about this with sevral replies. I have email Gerry about this a few days ago and he is getting together some dates but he is VERY busy and it may be a few weeks yet anyway. Brian
  3. Emoticons not great BUT we get to stay where we like in here Brian
  4. Sorry I missed the meet - was it a good 'un?!?! Matt - NUR SPEC R is it?!?! Brian
  5. Welcome Keith, Scoobynet is almost deserted now.
  6. Bummer, Can't make it - the week after yes but I am working at night all that week. Brian
  7. The "Spookily" familiar one was on a "course" all week he called it - skive and boozing session I think it was!!!!! He is on here - when he is fed up "over the road". Brian
  8. We are all VERY friendly in here Dave and we have not been moved yet Funny to notice there are many on topic threads in here though - more than ever appeared in Scoobynet Scotland section - Brian
  9. I have PM'd Gerry so we shall await if there is any new info (OR NONE) Brian
  10. GOOD IDEA!!! Our cut and pastes (of the same thing) overlapped I believe!!! Brian
  11. 1. Smiddy (Phil) (ex SN SCOSaltire) 2. wrxmania - Brian - 2003 WRX Silver 4 door 3. karps - stickered up 03 sti 4. Evojkp - Evo7 although still a member on a technicality (ie paid membership for a year!) 5. JAC - Prodrive MY02 "333" Sti with 1 or 2 mods (inc. sti pink wheels for show & track use )
  12. Life is alright by me at the moment. Just ordered an Origin B2 so getting that shortly and waiting for the bits for my brakes to come into stock to fit them (Goodridge lines, Motul 5.1. fluid and Pagid RS 4.2.1 pads). Phone C&C and you'll be in luck?!? Brian
  13. Hello John, Hope all is well and the car should be sounding the business by now, eh?!?!? Brian
  14. 1. Smiddy (Phil) (ex SN SCOSaltire) 2. wrxmania - Brian - 2003 WRX Silver 4 door
  15. Nah - you've got until the end of tomorrow, say 11PM? Brian
  16. Good to see it getting busier in here Last one to 200,000 posts is a sissy Brian
  17. Have a good time in IBIZA Karps - when are you off? Brian
  18. Howdy Stephen, Welcome to your new home Brian
  19. Awwww, Be kind - 2 posts in 8 days - that is a lot you know
  20. I would come along but I am working in Largs tomorrow night!!! Otherwise I would - and before you ask DOugs - it is a wedding so I can't cancel it Brian
  21. << Hope you don't mind me using your phrase Dougster. With all the mess on the otherside, can anyone tell me if the run on Sunday 29th is still happening?? Here is the list of people who were going. 1. STI-spec-a (Either) 2. Dougster (Either) 3. The Deviant (Either) 4. ARGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH - NOT ME 5. coulty (Either) 6. kart_man (Either) 7. Johnny50 -------Cant make either dates now. 8. rallye 6 (Either) 9. HI SOOB (Sunday) 10. west lothian scooby (Either) 11. McCrash (preferably the Sunday) 12. Spooks (Either but prefer Sunday tbh) 13. (R-6) (Either, providing my map is done) 14. Noki (Sunday) 15. Zander (Sunday) 16. RS Grant (Either) 17. ANDYUK300 (either) 18. Nyquist (either) 19. MY94(sunday) 20. Opelcorsa ( Sunday) 21. Sti-04!! (Sunday) 22. Civic Type R ( either ) Cal 23. karps (sunday) 24. Simon Higgins (sunday) 25. SCOOBAY(either) 26. tut (either) 27. sti-zlv (sunday) 28. WRC NO 1 (Either) 29. Col(sunday) 30. Playsatan (sunday) 31. gr1 (sunday) 32. JohnnyR6 (sunday) 33. roy m 34. Wizz (sunday) 35. weeb (either, but sunday would be best) >>
  22. Hello Mike, LOVELY car BTW - GET OUT IT'S NOT A SCOOB - YOU ARE IN THE WRONG FORUM!!!!! MODS!! MODS - get him!!!!!! Just kidding, Glad you were "accepted" - invite your Scottish mates round here n'all!! Brian
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