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Everything posted by meko

  1. Surly would need to be colder than that, Lol.
  2. Lamborghini Murcielago Michael
  3. Well I'm off them for the, well about 6th or 7th time. I'm cheating though with 20 a day stuck to my arm. All this due to not wanting to stand outside the pub in the rain( you could start a umberella hiring company thought) Good luck everyone Michael
  4. Getting a date is getting harder these days. http://www.wilk4.com/humor/humorp3.htm Michael
  5. I get about 200 miles to a full tank doing motorway miles to work and bk. Then there is all the pottering about another 50/100 miles so about £50/£60 a week. You will get to know all the staff in your shell station by first names and get a few flights a year with the points. But it is worth it. Michael
  6. hi mate have fun:) michael
  7. As for the cars nice drifting but **** trying to get away from a subaru as i found out on priv road. As for the clip wot was the bit of sword action for. (eemm cut to manley action scene lol) Michael
  8. hi mate, i went from a s40 to a 02 wrx bet you still get about the same MPG thoughs volvo's sure new how to drink;) Michael
  9. Peter gary moulsen @ keith michaels Got me sorted out lots of info and good advice and will work out cheaper for me than this years quote with my new 3 points. Michael
  10. Well im looking like im going to take it on the chin and pay for the new insurance now looking about Got a bit of time to get it sorted Dose anyone know if you have to inform the insurance company that I have the policy with the now that i got the points Michael
  11. Well guys it has been good while it lasted as i got pulled for speeding today (unmarked skoda) YES a feking skoda, so now got a next year bill for insurance quote of £1600 for a std wrx. So if you are on the M8 near helen st and you see a 03 silver skoda octavia watch out. Michael
  12. Good run out last night, this is the sort of thing i thought being in a driving club would be all about. nice run Billy:) And thanks to Gumball and Al for leaving me stuck behind the megane on the the way home:) 10/10 Michael
  13. Hi m8 you should try a company like bishops move or one of the other house removel companys they are always up and down to london so you might get luck plus if they are going to go that way it would be cheap as hell. Michael
  14. Hello and welcome m8 Michael
  15. Well being a bit nuts i've been try the wave as much as i can but i have found no one is intrested(Or has the look of what is that ar$e doing waving at me).Did have one guy do a sort of pointy wave think it was a (lip reading is only a hobby)"there is a guy in the same car as me waving wonder why he is doing that"duh lmao I'll continue on with the re-introduction of a wave to the Paisley/Glasgow area. Michael
  16. There may be a problem with seeing it but i'll have one silent stealth michael
  17. Think this is well nice Michael
  18. yip fia17 will see you in march if not before. Michael
  19. Congratulations m8 hope everyone is all well Michael
  20. I'll post this in the atempt to incress my baws Michael
  21. welcome m8 Michael
  22. yeah about 92/93p in Paisley Michael
  23. After about a month long battle with the insurance company the car is repaired what a nightmare of a time. A superb job done by K.J.Frame totaly A1 job as good as new if not better. Michael
  24. nice i want the spoiler Micahel
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