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Everything posted by meko

  1. might sound a bit wierd do you cook mince pies michael
  2. since the parts are going cheap.. any chance there is an entire back end going...... just the one required for '02 wrx. Michael
  3. where do you see this list, anyone. michael
  4. Paisley m8 michael
  5. Well back to the matter in hand anyone want this poor wee hamster. It will not really answer to any name so dont think it would mind a change will answer to, 1.Let go of my finger you wee sh*t 2.Stop hitting your daft ball off my foot Lots of fun but got it to teach the wee man how to care and look after things but it never turned out that way, lucky for us cos' he really wanted a grizzly bear, so we settled on a hamster. He quickly lost interest. So bit of a shame so now looking for new loving home. As before it has cage and daft ball thing so you can change the cage in peice and give it some fitness and so you dont spend about 2 hrs looking for the bloody thing. and it is all free to a loving home. Michael
  6. 09:10 this morning as the misses was driving back from droping the wee man off at school some inconsiderate B***ard ran into the back of her,while stopped at a roundabout so full blame to him knob, she is alright though. So no Subaru over crimbo. Has any one put a car into J&W Green coachworks Netherauldhouse Road Michael
  7. Or not Dose anyone want a hamster named HAMMY(not my choice)plus cage, 4 months old(hamster that is) Great crimbo pressy Michael
  8. well you can bet your bottom dollar that it wont cost 40p per litre like it dose in OZ. Michael
  9. Not to start a big hum drum about it, there was two 200nx car's doing some drift action, IMO which may count for nothing in the grand scale of everything thing. It all looked quite good and I enjoying watching it but i would not like to fund the tyres. lol Michael
  10. Thanks to everyone who we met the glasgow crusie, good to meet some of you's for the first time. To all that left early you missed the best bit with the two 200nx's thank's and see you on tue's hopefuly, Michael & Lesley
  11. ok so fekked the spelling but looking good up there Gumball lol Meko
  12. Gumball i would like to put forward THE WEEGIE WARRIERS Meko
  13. Thats the one fai 17 meko
  14. Count me in for now depending on location. GLASGOW 1. Gumball (Glasgow) 2. Playsatan (Glasgow) 3. Cal ( err... Abz or Glasgow ) - maybe - going for sub 58 sec lap 4. Cals brother - Fraser (Glasgow) - maybe 5. Dougster (Glasgow) 6. Seevers(Glesgay) 7. Steve (Glasgow) 8. FAI17(Glasgow) 9. G6RAY(Glasgow) 10 Marc29(Glasgow) 11.Meko(Glasgow) EDINBURGH & LOTHIANS TEAM 1. Scoobyandy (Edinburgh) 2. Fee (Edinburgh) 3. Adam (Edinburgh) 4. Irish Al (Edinburgh) 5. Willie (edinburgh) 6. kart_man (Edinburgh) TAYSIDE KENTUCKY MALITIA 1. JC (Tayside) 2. Wilky (Mercenary, on loan from Argyll and Bute) 3. jasonb (Tayside) 4. Col 666 ( Tayside) CENTRAL TEAM 1. HI SOOB (Central) 2. Weeb (Central) 3. RubyTheScooby(Central) 4. Spince (Central) 5. PaulC555 (Central) FIFE TEAM 1. Coulster (Fife) 2. Fastscooby (Fife) 3. NightOwl (Fife) 4. scoobyfuzzy (Fife) maybe AYRSHIRE TEAM 1. ScottySTI (Ayrshire) 2. SCOOBAY (Ayrshire) 3. DOPEY (Ayrshire) 4. Scoobyuk300 (Ayrshire) ABERDEEN AND HIGHLANDS TEAM 1. scientific steve (Abz) depends if i can get holidays, will know soon 2. John S (Aberdeen) 3. clutdav (Aberdeen)
  15. I'm in paisley so guess it would be glasgow that would be the closer region for me, so central region team would have to conquor the world without me but i'll put my name down for that. As for Sunday will have to speak nicely to the boss on sat cos my weeks holiday starts from Monday. Thanks, meko
  16. Hi all, I am writing this due to the fact that my misses is doing my head in about joining things and not getting involved ie: not going to meets and the like after saying i would lol (think it is more she wants out the house) So to cut it short is there going to be anymore meets this year and as I'm a new member, would it be ok if we tag along to the santa cruise and could someone pm me or tell me what it is all about and/or what it will involve.( I have a rough idea about what it's) Meko
  17. I worked out of the building facing the carpark they meet in, they get a good turn out. There is a good number of the usual saxo's and corsa's but they also have a good turn out of MR2 turbo's and supra's all kited up. I always ment to go over when i finnished work but didn't think me in a suit would go down too well. lol Should be a good night, I'll put in an apperance. Don't be shy give it a try. (Caution you may get branded a car enthusiast) Meko
  18. we have a winner 65 sec completed the gauntlet is thrown down
  19. i'm looking to find the best place to find front brakes for wrx on a 02 plate in or around paisley area. thanks for any info
  20. 1. TheSquirrel555 2. WRXMANIA 3. CHRIS-GUMBALL3000 4. Matt 5. Fai17 6. Marc29 7. Playsatan2 8. Swiggi 9. Wilky 10. micra_wrc 11. WRC No 1 12. meko piped at the post to get left out lol
  21. 1. TheSquirrel555 2. WRXMANIA 3. CHRIS-GUMBALL3000 4. Matt 5. Fai17 6. Marc29 7. Playsatan2 8. Swiggi 9. Wilky 10. micra_wrc 11. meko (will pop that meet cherry) Got to get the car dirty at some point i guess.
  22. i bought it from the dreaded arnold clark in glasgow,it was first sold out of penicuk.
  23. i have just bought this car and looking for info on what has been done to it and if it has been well looked after. it is blue/black wrx and has a SIDC sticker on the back window.
  24. could anyone out there tell me if it would be ok to run my 02 wrx with 3/4 of a tank with normal fuel and then the other 1/4 with optimax or should you just go with the full tank of optimax? would there be any harm in it?
  25. when and where is anyone meeting up in glasgow to head off to go to the highland run. are kids ok to tag along on this run as i have a 6 year old boy. so i would like to hope there would be some kids for him so's not to be to bored, like being stuck to the seat is not fun enough. ta meko
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