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Everything posted by Grovit

  1. Am really looking forward to this, first track day in ages - will be driving an Evo (silver E8). Maybe do some pax lap swapping with a few Scooby owners...? Thanks Chris
  2. Had a great day (was in the white Evo IV). Many thanks John for letting me on, on such short notice. Another excellent event - well organised with a good standard of driving on the track I thought Chris
  3. Very tidy looking
  4. those pictures are awesome !!!
  5. Happy Birthday Vicki (It's my Mum's birthday as well today )[]
  6. Have fun tomorrow dude!! (Glad to see that Subaru sign I gave you has been put to good use on your garage door !!) []
  7. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a143/Grovit/sc1.jpg My catalunya []http://http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a143/Grovit/sc1.jpg'>
  8. Pretty useful post - shame I changed the oil just yesterday and saw the thread today (arrrghhh!) - will still get one for next time though []
  9. Nice looking cars - I'm also in Hamilton as well - don't recognise the pictures of the houses though, so can't figure out which bit you're in - no matter. Am sure, I've seen that Golf around a few times as I clocked the big bumper conversion - All cars pictured look nice though [H]
  10. Looking nice - that's a mother of a front mount[H]
  11. Total scum - sorry to hear the news - a few nasty marks left as well - gits.
  12. Man that sucks - was looking forward to that as well - polished the car, checked tyre pressures and oil etc etc . Let me know if it gets resecheduled.[]
  13. Hi - Am going to come along on this but as I went on a run down to Galashiels, Hawick and then almost to Newcastle and back last Saturday, I've kind of blown my fun run money for this month - so if you're cool with this I'll come along for maybe an hour or two (the last SIDC run I went on was Squirrel's mad march run in 2005 so I'm overdue !), and then double back. You guy's cool with this...............? Let me know and I'll see you Sunday at 10:00 at Strathy Chris
  14. That's what I'm running on - Mintex 1155's with 4 pots on a classic - would agree with the descriptions given - ie good when hot, but quite dusty - however would add they do give good bite and are pretty consistent. Also have goodridge libnes and motul fluid which is a must imo.
  15. Good post this.[] On my classic, I'm running Eagle F1's, standard springs and shocks, prodrive geometry and since the other week - whiteline front and rear anti roll bar links. Cumulatively, all these mods have had an impact on the handling of the car, but the biggest change was brought about by the prodrive geometry set up as this pretty much eradicated the understeer I was experiencing - also as the geometry is not too agressive, it hasn't wrecked the tyres inner edges either. As mentioned above, it's a balance and a compromise between track, road, comfort and ultimate handling ability. For me though - geometry might be the most boring mod, but it's definitely one of the most effective.
  16. I upgraded to 4 pots on my MY97 - although they have their limitations, they are a massive improvement on standard 2 pots. Be careful what alloys you have though as some of the prodrive alloys won't clear them.
  17. 5:30 - heading east through Harthill - I waved like an idiot whilst as a passenger in my friend's corsa (I forgot I wasn't in my car). The red weapon's looking good.
  18. Echo above - Opie are excellent - wouldn't go anywhere else now.
  19. Hi Fee Take it to be that was you in the black 2 door shiny number heading along towards Princes Street in Edinburgh yesterday lunchtime. Apologies for probably giving you a red neck by pointing at you like an idiot (doh!) but I normally tune in to the noise of a flat four and your rumbly engine and private plate were a bit of a give away [] Nice shiny car - keep it up !! Chris
  20. Nice looking car Carl - judging from the spec I'd imagine it's a bit of a weapon !!!
  21. Erm, yes that would be showing what happens if you take duffus a little too quickly whilst backing off. Lesson learned - won't happen again
  22. Had a cracking day out there yesterday - was quite chuffed with how the car handled (black classic) but was in 2 minds about the cones - I understood why they did it, however I generally found them distracting and definitely felt it made it more difficult to move out of the way when faster cars were coming through. Anyway - was all good fun - had a breif chat with one of the classic red WRX owners about brakes, however my apologies for not saying hello to more folk - was probably out enjoying myself too much !!
  23. Grovit

    I'm up for a March run personally. If the 26th is the date then that suits. If it's moved I'll hopefully be able to make it.
  24. Stephen - My classic is black and I was desperate for some Raceline alloys which I thought looked best in white - Tis obviously a preference thing, but I'm personally happy with how it looks with the black / white combo. black 'n' white **edit - cheers Cal - you beat me to it !!**
  25. Vicki - I'm in Hamilton too (Black Classic). I don't post too much on SIDC but always like reading what's going on and also feel it's quite a friendly place with a lot of useful help given when asked. I tend to be more involved with Type-r-scotland. I haven't yet been to a monthly meet but that's really because I work in Edinburgh and it's difficult to get through in time. However, I would actually like to go along to one to try and get to know a few folk a bit better. Thing is though (and this really is just an observation) I think having a meet every month is quite a tall in order. The RO's seem to get grief for not providing enough variety, or not providing a location that suits everybody all of the time, and the members get grief for not coming up with suggestions. It's a fine line to walk. Further, as Chris (Gumball) pointed out different people like different things, runs, show and shine, talking not talking etc, however, really a club is about having a different mix of people - variety being spice of life etc. So here's a suggestion - Have the next monthly meet or the one after that, as it's probably too short a notice, as per usual at a regular pub where this particular topic is discussed, so folk can decide what they want to do about it. Personnaly, I'd be up for a rotation of regular monthly meet (pub type thing), and then the following meet being bowling / run / whatever. That way it isn't a total headache for people to constantly be organising stuff all the time. Just a suggestion...............
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