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Everything posted by wilky

  1. This is absolutley outstanding. Well done Peter and thank you to everyone who is donating and helping to raise money. I am humbled. Lets put Scottish scoobies on the map. But dont forget the Ayrshire Race night!!! I know these events are close to one another so lets try and support them both, Do some car sharing etc and get down to Ayrshire as well. There are some hatchets that need buried and a few handshakes to get out the way. If I get back from Texas on time I shall be at them both. Callum W
  2. ha ha ha ha ha!!! Bunch of homm de la homms. Here is the photo they were talking about, of coultys Stag night....
  3. Nor can I my little friend, nor can I. Callum
  4. wilky

    This is a great idea, Its also important that its not too ling, the last run in the highlands was great but driving home in the dark was as you said tough, especially after a hard days driving. Could fit in a nice wee picnic as well. Callum
  5. I have posted the timings that the relay will take in general after what can only be described as an emotional drive on Friday. Please have a look, especially the ROs so you can get a handle on timings for handovers. Thanks Callum
  6. I have posted the timings that the relay will take in general after what can only be described as an emotional drive on Friday. Please have a look, especially the ROs so you can get a handle on timings for handovers. Thanks Callum
  7. I have posted the timings that the relay will take in general after what can only be described as an emotional drive on Friday. Please have a look, especially the ROs so you can get a handle on timings for handovers. Thanks Callum
  8. Yup, RCM helped me with my geometry settings and the car was transformed, the coilovers were a handful until I had the right settings, after that things were much better. Callum W
  9. I would not flash at you either, I would be scared and run away if I saw you flashing................
  10. The colour is irrelivant, the fact that I can put any 4wd cross country vehicle with the exception of a unimog to shame is great and she cost me £300. A service is that, a service as in 1973. Plug gaps, (no points as she is electronic) Dizzy cap and oil. Tractor oil is fine, and quitens her down. And ignition adjustment is a twist of the dizzy. However I need a new brake light switch. I could have had one at a local scrap yard, but my overwhelming urge to beat the guy to death with his walky talky got the better of me and i had to leave. The tyres are worth more than the 22b but its bought, paid for and its mine. 22b is the chassis number
  11. The 22b is a showroom piece of classic japanese motoring genius and I wont have it slated. It will go anywhere and with the back roof off I can put a roond bale of straw in it and humf it up any gradient you care to fling at it. However the wheels need shot blast and powdercoated, and she could do with a belt of NOS to get her over 100mph. I might just drop a L/R 2.5 tdi or an alfa V6 in it just to put yer gas at a peep
  12. Itsn okay jamie, I still concider you as my friend, I have deleted my post and there is no need to apologise. If you simply browse then thats your freedom of speech being restricted. VIVA THE REVOLUTION COMRADES! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!:0
  13. Everyone get Charity fatigue, I should know! If you cannot make an event or just want to give heres how. Callum
  14. Everyone get charity fatigue, i should know!! However, if you cannot make an event heres how you can give, or if you feel generous..... Callum
  15. Everyone get charity fatigue, I know. However if you cannot make the relay or funraisers, or just want to give heres how! Callum
  16. I had this, and it is the most unlikely thing you could imagine. Take your coil packs off the plugs, roll the rubber back and check the coilpacks one at a time. Overtightening the coil pack once it is on the head compresses it against the top of the plug and cracks the lip of the coilpack. A hairline fracture or crack will cause the hesitation you describe. Its 50 bucks a coilpack however so 200 frogskins a full set, but if this is the problem its a good inverstment and remember, just nip them dont tighten them like they are going to have to operate at 50 fathoms, it cracks them. Callum W Like the boys said, fuelcut is like sudden loss of all power and forward motion and there would be no doubt in your mind that had happened.
  17. I am not a fan of gems, I know they are good when running well, but binary mapping is beyond me atm, just a load of numbers, clicks and whistles. Like trying to pass a message to tail end charlie in a jungle patrol. It seems to work for you though and thats what matters, you car was flying the day i saw it at KH. Callum
  18. Its a bit of a nightmare at the moment, too much to list, and so much done at once that when you get a glitch the fault checking process is endless. Got her started but overfuelling, maf okay then voltage through the roof, wet plugs, so changed, overfuelled again but running better. Fuel rail dramas, then baffled sump welds sweating, etc etc. Just wee things that all add up but need time to fix. End state is that all going well and minor problems addressed, Ill have her with a base map and run in in the next couple of weeks. Then Uncle Andy can work his magic that and a few our fathers and its off to the RR day to see what she makes before a track run. My APs are ready as well, just need the brackets from SSW and we are ready to rock and roll. I managed to put a set of 330mm 4 pots together for £500. Dont need 6 pots my car isnt heavy enough to justify them. Its just a fault checking process ATM. Callum
  19. Scott, Im looking forward to seeing what you are up to. Callum.
  20. Thank god for that, the suspense was killing me.
  21. My girlfriend in Austin, TEXAS has just had a dozen oysters and a bottle of sherry from the Loch Fyne Oyster Bar delivered to my place of work. What a fabulous Valentines Day present. Its possibly the nicest thing anyone has done for me, in my line of work I seldom have people do nice things for me.
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