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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. Looking to get some accomodation up north over a weekend and would like to know if anyone has had a good experience anywhere up the west coast??

    Most self catering is booked now on a weekly basis through the summer so it would need to be hotels or B&B's only.


    Any ideas???? As far up or as far away from Glasgow would be nice.

  2. I am a reformed character. We drove to our destination on Sunday not going over 80mph until we got to some of the twistie twisties in the middle of no where and it was good.

    try taking the journey up to KH at the speed of light and pushing hard. count the time it takes

    try taking the journey back down without thrashing the gears and brakes. count the time it takes

    The most fun i had was doing the latter and carving good lines rather than going berzerk.

    I do think though that some people need to have a word with themselves about this. If you dont drive fast in your scoob, ie even 10mph over the speed limit then fair play to you (not the car i would have for normal driving/fuel consumption). If you break the speed limit at all then you are a hypocrite in this case as its there for a reason!!

    If you think that clip is overly dangerous then maybe you should let your husbands drive your own cars after you grow old and wish you had enjoyed life. Yes there are dangers and yes something bad could happen.

    The balance is needed. Phillip is enjoying himself and generally driving well. Yes there are a couple of areas he could improve but if he keeps doing it there wont be any cause for complaint.

    I dont now, but if people want to then post up a clip to show "other enthusiasts" then whats the dramas.

    Do you really sit down to pish?

  3. if you had a blow out on the straight at KH you could be end ex.

    if you had a blow out or lost control on the 1/4 mile at crail you could be end ex

    if you hit a tree at 60mph on the way to work? same detail.

    If you put your butter knife in the toaster? same thing.[:D]

  4. Maybe tonight fillbert. Im not sure yet. I was supposed to be going out on the lash with Bing and Wilky but Bings a penis and has pulled out.so it looks like i could be cruising down for a wee duck and bbq spare ribs.

    up ye

  5. he should perhaps come clean, admit guilt and represent his outstanding character and sense of right and wrong.  a mistake is a mistake and you would hope that such a case wouldnt be clear cut due to the 100 yards reasons?

    Unfortunately from my understanding a DR....on your license after the ban stays on points wise for something like 10 years. now thats a roger hunt

  6. or perhaps not. There was an incident where someone like Michael Carroll the lottery tit or a man of his calibre repeatedly drove towards a gatso at high speed giving it the finger.

    he got banned for dangerous driving.

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