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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. Wilky- Hi im lying on my new waterbed having sat on my hand for 20mins to make it seem like......

    Gumball- Pardon?

    Wilky- I know your car is faster than mine but surely now i have a new water bed and can disguise the fact i touch down in the middle of the night and stay warm at the same time we can go to the BBQ/meet?

    Gumball- Pardon?

    Wilky- I am going to take the white ice cream van to the Highlands with the boys and serve up a couple of chocolate Mr Whippys.

    Gumball- Pardon?

    Wilky- I need to go now, IKEA are round with the police for some reason.


    Click.......................line goes dead



  2. QUOTE

    WILKY "Are you going to the bbq?"

    GAYBALL "Am ah feck, you can smoke my rod..."

    6 hrs later................................

    GAYBALL"How was the bbq??"

    WILKY "Superb real fun"

    GAYBALL (P*ssed off) "Thats nice goodbye"..........................................................

    Proof that this man tells jackanories-


    WILKY- Ling dong, i am lying on my water bed

    GUMBALL- I just jammed the polis with my defuser

    WILKY- Are you going to the meet?

    GUMBALL- AM i fkuc, why dont you chew my stick

    WILKY- I might go.

    GUMBALL- Sound, i need to go ive got calls to make.

    WILKY- Just one more thing before you go..........................i just sprayed up my own back.

    Click.......line goes dead

    See the clear difference up until teh last bit about the spraying on back? some people talk so much plopety plop they forget what the truth is in their own mind.

    You toucher of mens pee pees.

    ** edited to point out- The call was as i was leaving edinburgh after work on the M9 at 1812hrs. The reason i didnt go cos i was naked in bed with a hot china. Now apprently wilky thinks i called him 6 hrs later at 0012hrs from my love nest to ask about a BBQ???????????****

    You blower of mens pimmels

  3. Ed uses them to pump up the jam at the falkirk cruise so they must be good[:)]

    Wilky uses them to drive slowly round knockhill so they must be good[:)]

    Squirrel uses them as a burning roadblock to stop the police coming in to evict him for not paying council tax so they must be good[:(]

    Fai17 uses them as fishing bait so they must be good[:D]

    its all good

  4. Best Ltd edition !! I can see why. Nice brief

    I think you should have all got Bullys special price for the best in class.......................



    WHo TF designed them ???????????????????/[+o(]

  5. Friday Night- About to take Walter for a walk up into the green belt. then chill out and watch the France game

    Saturday- Going to get myself some wasp grubs and then charge up to stirling area for some poaching on the loch.

    Saturday night- 30th party in Glasgow

    Sunday- watch TV, hungover, prep for work again.

  6. Nice one!!!

    I see Mr Whippy and the big white ice cream van made it too  [;)][:D]

    i also see that he had a blanket round him like a hom.

    was that to blend in with the mexicans or to make sure his pee pee didnt get cold when he sat down to pee?

    robert drinkers

  7. i mean- last week i was due to be banned for writing peni8.

    when in hinsight the november run/photoshoot that is after all what the feature is about was arranged by me............the man who now lurks in the shadows between coventry and moderation.com


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