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Everything posted by Gumball

  2. CAR- PUG 205 1.9 GTI charcoal grey/black SPEED- REASONABLY QUICK INSURANCE- all the best LICENSE- NONE CRASHED- YES INTO SOME PLATOON SERGEANTS CAR. £1500 DAMAGE. Oh sorry Sergeant, it was dark, i hadnt turned my lights on. Insurance? eh no, do you take cash?
  3. you should have asked him to phone prodrive complaining it was too fast!! 314+ure brain =lunatic
  4. aye, your right. the guy in the volvo was probably out fr a drive with his wife when that tadger did that. Alao right about the bad name thing!!!!!!!!!
  5. I got into work this morning and was quizzed about my authenticity as a living breathing humanoid!!!! Apparently, as coincidence would have it.............................2 different guys in the office have mates who were on the road to Crail at the weekend. Boring? at the same time. So......as these two random cars were positioned near each other on the back roads to Crail...................................... 3 cars approached from behind at a rapid rate of knots, overtaking one by one the number of cars that were driving quietly along. The third car unfortunately didnt make it back into the gap in time and smashed head on into a oncoming volvo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That car was a subaru impreza i dont think anyone was killed but wasnt sure who the poor scooby driver was and if hes alright??????????????????????
  7. HI Below are the details for the SCREWBALL RALLY. This event runs in a couple of months. Has now limited spaces. Should be a real blast!!! I intend to take part in this and think given the distances and timescales, its probably best for 2 bodies and 1 car alternating the driving. I know, and i caused it that theres been hilarity, upset and headaches regarding all the talk about gumballing over the last few weeks............................but is anyone else interested in doing this? seriously. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREWBALL RALLY 2005 SCREWBALL? JOHN O GROATS TO LANDS END DATE: 30th JUNE - 2nd JULY COST: £450 DEPOSIT: £150 ENTRY OPTION 1: 1 car with 2 people ENTRY OPTION 2: 2 cars with 1 person per car Entry fee to the Screwball covers either option 1 or 2, which ever is chosen will include 4 nights in hotels, breakfasts each morning and tickets to Max- power live. The Screwball is for all makes and models of cars, modified or not, although modified would be better. Also its for the people like my self who have watched things like the Gumball, Cannonball run etc but can't afford the massive entry fee. Screwball will begin on the Thursday 30th of June from John O Groats, but entrants and passengers must be at the hotel the day before (Wednesday 29th) to register, this will also give the Screwballers a chance to get to know each other. On Thursday we will drive from John O Goats to Birmingham, sounds like a piece of cake when you read it like that, but it ain?t, its a 576 mile journey, give or take a couple. It will be a long drive but that?s what its all about, if your reading this and having doubts then stop reading cause this run ain?t for you, this run is for the real car enthusiasts its not for the faint hearted. You will arrive at the hotel in Birmingham and have a well earned rest, you will need it. The next morning, Friday 1st of July the cars will leave at the same time and start the last leg of the journey, a round trip from Birmingham to Lands End and back to Birmingham, which is 600 miles. And that will be the end of the journey, 1200 Mile road trip, on the Saturday 2nd of July you can relax have a well deserved drink with the rest of the Screwballers and tell each other all the stories from the first ever top to bottom Screwball Rally. And not to forget you will also have Max power live show to go to. CHARITY Charity 1- Child advocacy international- helps kids in poorer countries get medical help, education etc. Charity 2-Marie Curie cancer care Also each person in the event will receive a sponsor sheet to raise some cash for the charities, doesn't have to be alot, even if you go round your friends and family, everything counts. SPONSORS Any sponsors of the event will get there company logo on all of the cars entering, any enquires about sponsoring the run no matter how big or small contact neilowen31@aol.com Here is the sponsors so far -www.keepcruizin.com -www.road-racer.co.uk -www.scottishcruise.com -www.scottishmondeoforum.com -www.aveitlarge.com -www.totb.com -www.g-sh.co.uk If this sound like the road trip for you contact neilowen31@aol.com and I will send you out an entry form, there are limited spaces available and is on a first come first serve basis. The 2005 Screwball Rally takes place between 30th June ? 2nd July
  8. Claire Its sad that i introduced the idea and then couldnt even get out to play myself for the carlisle yin!!! you sound like you both enjoyed it anyway. I asked themd during the week to join me on a secret route towards galashiels but they declined. let me know when you get another notion to do it again and i WILL DEFINATELY GO
  9. Kev Call Grant @ AWD Motorsport (PERTH). I got pads yesterday from him, MINTEX Fast Roads (M1144). He removed my seriously thrashed, cracked, overheated pads and inserted these bad boys+changed the brake fluid..................................................crazy days get up to a serious speed then get someone to throw a penny on the road. chance are you'll stop on it. expect to pay approx £100 plus labour (front in total) and less for the rear.
  11. .....................BREAKER, BREAKER..........................................YORKIE STOP FIGURES 15......................................... ...............BREAKER,BREAKER.................................
  12. Wullie Sorry about last night. When i realised that Swiggi was really on his way over for me, i told sleeping beauty i was going out to play at 1am in the scooby. "YOU......^&*((*&..............&&^%$ etc etc so i had to give it a miss!! sorry to let you both down It looked good fun back up too!!!!!!!!!
  13. wullie are you really going?????????????????????????????????????????
  14. you going? i'll get changed now.............
  15. thats a seriously straight thru zosrt!!!!!!!!! can you still turn the wheels??????????????????????????/
  16. never mind booking last minutes cancellations for the summer............................ cancel everthing at the last minut for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. 1. 7xtanks of optimax=£280 2. entry fee= £225 3. Food= £100 4. Fancy Dress (Burt R)£30 5. Beer Tokens= £100 6. FEELING YOU GET AFTER WINNING=PRICELESS Total-£735 and the fuels split between 2pax so the totals less than that really.
  18. ive sent the guy an email, but thems the prices?????/ thats ok. 225 each for a run and a couple nights on the swally? fancy it?
  19. good stuff. im only joking. all hats off to them for doing it!!!!!!!! i didnt read te thread properly and just wanted to noise the swiggmeister up cos i havent spokent to him for a week. IM SURE THE CARS GOING TO BE VERY QUICK, AND I'LL BE EATING MY WORDS............................................................................................................if he can catch me more tea torvil? cheers dean!
  20. are they still trying to get it out the phone box??????? wwwwwwwoooooooohhhaaahhhaaahhaa
  21. thats an outrage. im not for people losing licenses, but as you say............WE WOULD. To me £470 is 10 tanks of juice or new tyres and a strutbrace or whatever. to that piehead, he probably took it out his wives bridge money for the week. so presumably if i get caught (which i hope i dont) doing 120mph along the M74 at 0200hrs with no other cars on the road, i wont end up in BAR-L with an orange in my mouth reading letters from Big Tams maw for him while my mortgage isnt paid and then lose my license the day i get out????????/????????//???? very good and that picture was him smiling when he came out the court.......................................................
  22. THIS IS IT HERE AS YOU SAID SHEEP. I MISSED THE DISCUSSION DURING THE WEEK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Screwball Rally The Screwball is for all makes and models of cars, modified or not, although modified would be better. Also its for the people like my self who have watched things like the Gumball, Cannonball run ect but can't afford the massive entry fee. Screwball will begin on the Thursday 30th of June from John O Groats, but entrants and passangers must be at the hotel the day before (Wednesday 29th) to regester, this will also give the Screwballers a chance to get to know each other. On Thursday we will drive from John O Goats to Birmingham, sounds like a peace of cake when you read it like that, but it aint, its a 576 mile journey, give or take a couple. It will be a long drive but thats what its all about, if your reading this and having doubts then stop reading cause this run aint for you, this run is for the real car enthusiasts its not for the faint hearted. You will arrive at the hotel in Birmingham and have a well earned rest, you will need it. The next morning, Friday 1st of July the cars will leave at the same time and start the last leg of the journey, a round trip from Birmingham to Lands End and back to Birmingham, which is 600 miles. And that will be the end of the journey, 1200 Mile road trip, on the Saturday 2nd of July you can relax have a well diserved drink with the rest of the Screwballers and tell each other all the stories from the first ever top to bottom Screwball Rally. And not to forget you will also have Max power live show to go to. Entry fee to the Screwball covers either option 1 or 2, which ever is chosen will include 4 nights in hotels, breakfasts each morning and tickets to Max- power live. CHARITY Charity 1 - Child advocacy international- helps kids in poorer countries get medical help, education etc. Charity 2 - Marie Curie cancer care Also each person in the event will receive a sponsor sheet to raise some cash for the charities, doesn't have to be alot, even if you go round your freinds and family, everything counts. SPONSORS Any sponsors of the event will get there company logo on all of the cars entering, any enquiries about sponsoring the run no matter how big or small contact neilowen31@aol.com. Here is the sponsors so far; - www.road-racer.co.uk - www.scottishcruise.com - www.scottishmondeoforum.com - www.aveitlarge.com - www.totb.com - www.keepcruizin.net - www.g-sh.co.uk If this sound like the road trip for you contact neilowen31@aol.com who will send you an entry form. There are limited spaces available and is on a first come first serve basis. The 2005 Screwball Rally takes place between 30th June and 2nd July. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I know that this isnt everyones cup of cha, but i will get the details from this Neil character tomorrow if anyone else fancies doing it?? Could be a good opportunity to get a few bodies together for this plus a social session too !!! RAISE MONEY FOR A GOOD CAUSE!!!
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