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Everything posted by kevin_baker

  1. Tables booked for all us named above for 8.00pm There's plenty of space in the restaurant for anyone else, just let me know in good time, please []
  2. Steve legally you can tint as dark as you want on the rear doors and rear screen, but you cannot legally tint either the front doors or the front screen although you may get away with a modest sun strip.
  3. OK Steve Good luck, see you soon
  4. So far then we have: Kevin & Cathy Rob Ian Mark Jonathan Tom Chris Any one else out there like to join us for a great curry night?
  5. List so far: Kevin & Cathy Rob Ian
  6. Dan - yeah sure, that's fine Ian - ok
  7. Hi Ian I've added you to the list. I'm sure we spoke of it, but you're name wasn't down [:S] Sorry for any confusion
  8. As some of you know I've booked a driver performance training day at Alconbury Airfield on Sunday 20th May. This will be a full day 8.30 to 4.30 and will be hosted by Ben Elliott and Katie Croucher. The day, useful for both beginners and experienced drivers, will begin with a series of exercises to improve your knowledge on weight transfer, braking, heel + toe, skid control and advanced steering techniques. You will then head out onto the track to put all of these skills into practice and have some fun. There will be a presentation at the end of the day too. The cost is £120 per person, and we have 12 places available. So far confirmed we have: 1/ dibs 2/ tomdibs 3/ nick76 4/ danuelson 5/ cambscoobyrob 6/ there goes charlie...... 7/ wrx ian 8/ ajmc wrx 9/ Richard D. 10/ J.Leclercq 11/ S.Parry 12/ Please reply, pm, email etc if you would like to join us. Please note that the £120 is payable by the end of March. best wishes
  9. Castle Hill it is then, we'll meet at Tesco Bar Hill at 7.30, to be at the restaurant by 8.00. Now to book tables............ Please confirm here and number of places: Kevin & Cathy
  10. So the question is - can I persuade him to let me have it for the next meet [:^)]
  11. Dan Seems we have 3 votes for Castle Hill - meridian, chris77 & me, and 2 for the Slap Up - wrx yank, & wrx ian at present. Where's your preference Dan? Anyone else?
  12. Hi Option 1. heat the tint with a hairdryer to soften the 'glue' and peel gently. You may need to scrape the residue, if you do use a razor blade but only go bottom to top, or vice versa, do not go side to side! Option 2. Phone Justin on 07803 238078. If he can't get to you ask him for Wren's number, he does a lot of work on the bases [H] Option 3. wait until our next meet, have one of Rob's recommended vindaloo's, then your breath will melt it off [] Good luck
  13. Go on Ian, you know you want to []
  14. Hi Ian You would get a new Prodrive back box. Sell your old one, or maybe we'd do you a deal on it in p/x
  15. SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> PRODRIVE PERFORMANCE PACK - 2.0ltr WRX 01-05MY £995 fitted & inc.VAT Available only to SIDC Members & only at participating Subaru Dealers offer excludes STi models You will need to have a valid SIDC membership card There are only a limited number of Packs Available so don’t delay
  16. Cheers Rob Good to see you and only too glad to help out []
  17. Hi M Yeah I spoke of this last Tuesday and funnily enough with Rob on Saturday. A few people have concerns of parking at Castle Hill, mainly I think finding the car park, so we were talking of the Slap Up again just because of ease of parking. But I'm easy either way, but agree the food is better at Castle Hill, so lets put it to the vote. Please reply to this thread with your preference by 15th so I can get places booked.
  18. Hi Rob, last time I went there they took £50 off my credit card without my authorisation for "their tip" [:@]
  19. Yep, Cherry Hinton it is then []
  20. Hi everyone As some of you are aware our usual monthly venue is closed for refurbishment until mid-March as they are "turning it into a Bistro" [:S] So following the majority vote [] this months meet will be held at the Robin Hood and Little John, Cherry Hinton (see here) So see you on 27th Feb at the usual time, 7.30pm
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