As some of you know I've booked a driver performance training day at Alconbury Airfield on Sunday 20th May.
This will be a full day 8.30 to 4.30 and will be hosted by Ben Elliott and Katie Croucher.
The day, useful for both beginners and experienced drivers, will begin with a series of exercises to improve your knowledge on weight transfer, braking, heel + toe, skid control and advanced steering techniques. You will then head out onto the track to put all of these skills into practice and have some fun. There will be a presentation at the end of the day too.
The cost is £120 per person, and we have 12 places available.
So far confirmed we have:
1/ dibs
2/ tomdibs
3/ nick76
4/ danuelson
5/ cambscoobyrob
6/ there goes charlie......
7/ wrx ian
8/ ajmc wrx
9/ Richard D.
10/ J.Leclercq
11/ S.Parry
Please reply, pm, email etc if you would like to join us.
Please note that the £120 is payable by the end of March.
best wishes