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Everything posted by kevin_baker

  1. Hi Everyone Our next meet will be Tuesday 28th October at the usual venue, the Red Lion, Grantchester, from 7.30pm See you all there
  2. Hi Guys Sorry but I'm in Liverpool and won't get back until much before 10 !! Hope you have a great night, catch up with you next time around. (Charlie have fun in Corsica)
  3. Wow! looks great fun Only sorry I was working
  4. Hi Everyone Just a quick reminder that our next meet will be on Tuesday 30th September at the usual venue, The Red Lion, Grantchester, from 7.30pm Hope to see lots of you there
  5. Hi everyone Just a quick reminder that our August meet will take place on Tuesday 26th at the usual venue, The Red Lion, Grantchester, starting off at 7.30pm See you there
  6. Sorry everyone but I now have to work the Sunday I hope it all goes well, please post any pics etc or bring along to the August meet. Cheers
  7. Hi Everyone Just a reminder our next meet will be Tuesday 29th July at The Red Lion, Grantchester from 7.30pm See you all soon
  8. Most definately, everyone's welcome
  9. Open to all - see here
  10. Duxford Classic Car Show – Sunday 10th August 2008 The IWM at Duxford houses over one hundred and eighty exhibits inside six hangars. As a living museum there is always activity onsite, from repairs and maintenance to the museum’s unrivalled collection of military aircraft, to the sight of one of the many flying aeroplanes based there taking to the air. If you come along, you will get a discounted admission price (£9 adults, under 16s free), parking in a dedicated SIDC parking area and full admission to all of the hangars and exhibits in the museum. Admission fees can be paid on the gate. If you would like to come along, please add your names to the list here as we need to let Duxford know numbers. 1/ Kevin
  11. Hi Guys Weather looks great for our run tomorrow The routes in the Road Angel taking in some of the finest roads in Suffolk, i hope See you at Fulbourn tomorrow at 4
  12. Indeed M Red Lion, Grantchester, 7.30pm
  13. Saturday 21st 28th June 1/ Kevin & family 2/ Danuelson 3/ Chris77 4/ Charlie 5/ Dibs Any more?
  14. Following last nights great meet with FFF it's apparant that many of you cannot make the 21st June. Dan, Chris & I have no objections to the 28th if that suits more people? So please can we have a few opinions as to whether the 28th is a more suitable date? Thanks
  15. Sorry guys but I'm not going to get out of work until 6.30 tomorrow, at the earliest!! I'll meet you all at the pub, I guess around 7.30(ish)
  16. Hi Everyone For those of you who missed the April meet the plan is we'll meet up at Tesco Milton at 6pm for a nice leisurely drive accross the b-roads of Cambridge to the meet. So we know who's coming - and who isn't, although why wouldn't you? - pleasea add your name to the list here: 1/ Kevin & sat nav
  17. City to Coast Saturday 21st 28th June This year we'll be once again heading to Southwold pier for our fish & chip supper. We will, as always, follow my trusty sat nav and enjoy the many A & B roads of Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Norfolk whilst avoiding the A14 We will meet at Tesco Fulbourn at 4pm, pick up any supplies you need for the journey (no fuel there!) and set off around 4.15ish into the sunshine Please add your names to the list below - partners, families welcome Kevin (& family?)
  18. Ditto all of the above - cheers Dan Also don't forget the City to Coast fish & chip run - Saturday 21st June - 4pm(ish) til late Details to follow.......................
  19. Hi Everyone I know a few of you have spoken about a trip to the F1 testing at Silverstone. The dates are Tues 24th - Thurs 26th June. However, it's now advanced ticket only, details & tickets here
  20. Hi Guys I might be a little late as I've a few very small jobs to finish on Ashleys Mini before the MOT tomorrow! See you asap
  21. Hi Guys Yeah sorry, just been a bit tied up See you all next Tuesday at the Red Lion, 7.30
  22. Fantastic - well done Mark. Guys we'll arrange a Cambs meeting place for a country drive courtesy of my sat nav at our April meet
  23. Dibs Ask Ivan or Chris at Welch's. They did have one or two lying around upstairs
  24. Hi everyone Just a reminder that our next meet will be held at the Red Lion, Grantchester on Tuesday 25th March Hope to see lots of you there
  25. you'll be most welcome, it'll be great to see you
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