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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. Are you saying I suffer from Horsepower Defeceit and calling me fat too... jeez thats harsh
  2. Is that a challenge ?
  3. I use ProGrip, also in Bonniebridge. 01324 810111. Highly recomended !!!!! ---john---
  4. That would be a reference to your power to weight ratio ---john---
  5. TOTB, if picked for the team SSO, might well do this year, always clashes with another event, but what the Hey.. Interesting postcode Peter, more relevant would be CH3 80BHT With ya Fatboy Car ---john---
  6. Peter, what doesyour postcode start with ?
  7. Google 'websense'
  8. Why the fascination with straight lines guys, get a licence and come do some twisty stuff !! ---john---
  9. Yeah, when you thought... 'I can take "Garden Gate" this fast' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaVclQVwtT8...feature=related Ignore the commentary, listen for the bangs Car coming back out next year John ? ---john--
  10. PM me or mail me what you need to know George. ---john--- P.S. got bits, thanks
  11. Do you have a source for the bits ? I have a bumper in green. I have a boot also but I'll be needing it in the future. ---john---
  12. Identical, as are 5dr bumpers. --john--
  13. I meant you won't be able to contact him for a week
  14. 1 week
  15. George, can you get me a set of Ball joints and Rod ends ? ---john---
  16. I think that is them George, I thought they were spacers not re-designed joints. I assume there is only one size option then ? thanks again ---john--- P.S. Bump steer is when the toe settings alter under compression and extension of the suspension.
  17. George, a question, the spacers that whiteline do to attempt to keep the CoG correct after the car is lowered. Lower Ball joint and Track control spacers. Do they come in differing lengths ??? thanks --john--
  18. Fair enough, just thought you hadn't noticed the key slot ---john---
  19. Think Allen Key and go and look at them
  20. Georgie Porgie you're a Pudding ya Pie, you need Glasses mate Look again at those original droplinks !! ---john---
  21. Rice Rocket is still about, I ran into him on t he way to TOTB, you are more likely to find him on the Ayrshire Scoobies forum I suspect. Dougie still lurks and posts very occasionally, Colin, not seen hide nor hair for a while. ---john---
  22. Was speaking to PedanticOldBarsteward today and it seems I can't get a rise out of him, so in the spirit of East/West relations 1 9.16 139.5 Andy.F Sti5 03/06/2007 Avon Park 7 Classic 2 10.81 129 John Stevenson 29/07/2007 TOTB VI 1 Muppet Mapped Old Impreza 3 11.77 117.8 Jcscoob 10/09/2006 Crail 1139 Classic 4 11.92 118.4 Andyf STI 7RA 01/04/2007 Crail 47 Newage 5 11.92 116.9 Andy N 10/09/2006 Crail 984 Classic 6 11.94 116.9 Simmie 16/10/2005 Crail 87 Classic 7 11.97 117.8 coulty 10/06/2007 Crail 149 Classic 8 12.05 115.7 Playsatan 10/09/2006 Crail 1122 Classic 9 12.1 107.1 kevametal 29/10/2006 Crail 1027 Newage 10 12.15 112 notorious 29/10/2006 Crail 583 Classic 11 12.35 106.4 Swanie 21/08/2005 Crail 457 Classic 12 12.36 113.9 CYP_ROCK 24/06/2007 Crail 544 Newage 13 12.39 115.4 Greg Green 04/06/2006 Crail 1232 Newage 14 12.61 107.4 Craig Mac Sti9 10/09/2006 Crail 225 Newage 15 12.67 110 Fai17 24/06/2007 Crail 90 Newage 16 12.67 109.5 kenny4130 22/07/2007 Crail 847 Classic 17 12.76 107.1 jimser 15/04/2007 crail 291 Newage 18 12.79 110 JASONB 29/05/2005 Crail 721 Classic 19 12.8 110 Sc00bar00 15/04/2007 Crail 577 Newage 20 12.8 107.4 Scientific Steve 29/04/2007 Crail 241 Classic 21 12.82 107.7 Gumball 04/06/2006 Crail 520 Newage 22 12.88 106.1 G.Mac 10/09/2006 Crail 970 Newage 23 12.89 107.1 Scoobymark 14/10/2007 Crail 632 Newage 24 12.90 106.9 GaryD 30/09/2007 Crail ??? Newage 25 12.95 105.9 RS Grant 05/08/07 Crail 117 Newage 26 13 107.7 Weeb 09/04/2006 Crail 1141 Classic 27 13.04 103.9 Higgy 10/09/2006 Crail 540 Newage 28 13.18 103 Col 666 03/04/2005 Crail 29 Classic 29 13.24 105.9 Gogsie 10/09/2006 Crail 142 Newage 30 13.28 104.9 Nanaki 20/04/2007 Crail 960 Classic 31 13.28 103 RhindPiece 10/09/2006 Crail 965 Newage 32 13.34 106.1 Fee 09/04/2006 Crail 972 Classic 33 13.35 105.1 Iqy 27/11/2005 Crail 427 Classic 34 13.39 100 Paddy247 13/11/2005 Crail 889 Classic 35 13.44 103.7 Auldy 18/02/2007 Crail 534 Classic 36 13.6 100.4 SandyRS16i 18/02/2007 Crail 1043 Classic 37 13.61 101.1 young-buck27 22/07/2007 Crail 533 Newage 38 13.67 99.8 FastScooby 10/09/2006 Crail 1084 Classic 39 13.8 103 scottish555 10/09/2006 Crail ??? Classic 40 13.83 98.5 philip_w 10/09/2006 Crail 169 Classic 41 13.9 96.4 Cullenmin 29/04/2007 Crail 666 Classic 42 13.9 97.4 ChemX 29/04/2007 Crail 521 Classic 43 13.99 100.7 ali37 10/09/2006 Crail 829 Newage 44 14.08 96.8 Scoobzie 24/06/2007 Crail 114 Classic 45 14.12 98 WRX Haz 29/04/2007 Crail 223 Newage 46 14.16 94.3 mrs.Jcscoob 19/08/2006 Crail 436 Newage 47 14.19 95.7 Bryhp 05/08/07 Crail Classic 48 14.28 93.4 st3ph3n 10/09/2006 Crail 758 Newage 49 14.3 95.7 Cal 13/11/2005 Crail 155 Newage 50 14.34 94.9 Irish Al 13/11/2005 Crail 759 Newage 51 14.43 97.6 lescazscoob 10/09/2006 Crail 535 Classic
  23. I have a pair here if you need to try, or go speak to Joe down the village (Autobits) he'll get them for you same/next day. --john---
  24. That would be a hard thing to find as no such car exists ---john--- Oh, Hi Callum
  25. 1)PaulC555 2)GaryD 3)Terzo Neil (as long as i can run a non scooby at it) 4)superstar_tradesman 5)young-buck27 6)whitelightning 7)st3ph3n - if it's no broken! 8)rallye 6 9)tommytcut 10)STi_Bandit 11)Des 12)Z1000 if its after 22nd october 13)JAC 14) Higgy 15) Scoobymark 16) Gus the Bus (Just for the banter tho ) 17) TBC 18) Fai17 19) B9RY C 20) Coulty 21) FrazA 22) stuarted 23) euan_r 24) ewan (gto) Away to Aviemore that day with Wife, Wean and Dugs. Sorry---john---
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