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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. I've had to leave the 'real' 1/4 panels on t he car to comply with the MSA regs for a Modified Production Car' as the Unitary chassis cannot be messed with between the wheel centres. So a bit of a compromise had to be made there, it would have been nice just to cut them out cleanly, but He-Ho. Also need to remember that it's wider than my Road car when 'squeezing' up Doune ---john---
  2. Dunc, that is the big issue, I still have to be comfortable enough to treat it like i stole it, whilst having some respect for the work others have put into it. Thats the danger of a 'Gucci Finish' !! Those pics are a few days old and Craig (Seafar) and his mate Colin have made some inroads into it since then. The old shell was 'migrated' in a week, this one amounts to weeks of peoples lives and is currently just a shell !
  3. Cheers guys, Car is begining to look fantastic... more pics to follow. All exterior work is not down to me but a certain Cumbernauld based Wagon Driver (See my Sig.) ---john---
  4. Under a stone ?
  5. It certainly is Neil.
  6. Well the cars been looking a bit Gash for a while after I killed it hitting a tree at June Doune 2006. The current shell was 'assembled' in a week so there was no time for cosmetics or any niceties. On the back burner however has been its replacement. The idea is to take as little as possible from the current car onto the new car leaving old one in one piece. Link to my old projects thread on Scoobynet http://bbs.scoobynet.com/projects-40/50614...ar-rebuild.html Here's how Rocket I looks Mechanical spec I'll keep to myself for now but here's a sample of what we've been upto. Fatboy Cutting the bumper for I/C
  7. It will !! ---john---
  8. David is on the right track.. What width of wheel and what is it's offset. I think you might just get a 225 with an aditional spacer under the arch of an early Imprezza. I have 235s on my racecar, on an 8" et48 offset, but the 225 on your tyres refers to the tread width, not the tyre width on a road tyre. So if the are on a smaller rim with a higher offset, even with spacers it might fit. ---john---
  9. Can't think of another use for a 'Pad Saw' Imy, call Andy and ask him to up the Anti on your Map
  10. OK OK, I admit it, it's the Blue one The green one would never have made an extra 300bhp
  11. Touche !!! I've been assured that my New one has been procured and currently residing in a certain Sonic Blue 'FatBoy' I'll give Mark a call and ask if he is still doing this.
  12. I think all this modification malarky is just daft, what's wrong with these cars as they left the factory The only thing I've done to mine is fitted a magic tree air freshener
  13. He only likes to work on 'Fast Cars' but I guess you have a 'Fast ECU' so he might
  14. I was refering to Mark, Yes. Pro-Grip do my car, I'll leave you to decide wherether it goes round a bend, though saying that you wouldn't want to use my geometry settings, or anything close, on a road car
  15. There is a man much closer to you that could do this 'properly' I would need to check if he was willing to though as I believe he has recently retuned to full time work and would only entertain this as a homer. ---john---
  16. Hows 'my' ECU working out Dunc ?
  17. How will it do towing my 'other' Impeza ?
  18. I'm sure he will be being well advised
  19. A bit of good and a bit of bad, but at least the fix is cheap !!, Good day all in all I'd say !!
  20. That'll be the inefficient mapping then
  21. It took you all morning to do 30 laps ?
  22. Anything can be fixed, a pic of the damage would be helpful ? And do us all a favour, Knock the text spk on the head !!! ---john---
  23. If your Folks have described the car as a bit of a Minger... it'll be his
  24. Gus, if it helps with justification, my 5dr Impreza(Tow bar on t he green 4dr too) is a better towcar than the Mrs Legacy 3.0R ---john---
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