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Power Junkie

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Everything posted by Power Junkie

  1. I will be there, Also with new toys
  2. Hi Allan! Have you had a look at Glenburgie They are in Forres so not far from you. They do all the basic things you woud need.
  3. And your week days Russell
  4. Great! Thanks Russell.. Any news on the cololur coding? Hopefully I will know about the pump on monday Mark.
  5. Thanks Marc
  6. Cash!!! Marc could you please pm the the demon tweeks details again!! Cheers..
  7. Nothing just put the gauges on.. Still has Unichip. 1.5bar to 4500rpm then drops to about 1bar to the line.. Then the fuel pump and SX regulator. Then hopefully the full Whiteline kit
  8. Hi Russell. I?m Very happy With it all . I still cant believe I am hitting 1.5bar I got sparkle on the knocklink when changing gear but that?s it. Cheers Mark.
  9. Hi Guys!! Russell has been busy on my car for the past couple of days.. It is well worth the wait for hm though!! Cheers Mark.
  10. So where do we stand with tints?? I have front tints but standard rear's! could they make me change the glass??
  11. Oopps That?s why im usually early then..
  12. 7.00 But get ther when you can. We will be ther for a while..
  13. From the old WRX Wagon
  14. Looks like it will be a good turnout
  15. Option 1 would be good..
  16. Yes. Just go through the door and we have the tables on the right near the fire. Will be good to see you there.
  17. I hope to have my Gauges fitted by then too mmm kebab or Cheesy Chips....
  18. The Crystal Lights are still not very bright. So I am changing over to Morettes but gonna keep the OE's.
  19. Good to have you on board mate for insurance I am with Tesco's it's worth a try by far the cheapest for me. Mark.
  20. Yes We will be there at 7.30
  21. Anyone??? is it on??
  22. I will be there. Are you gonna bring your new toy?? Mark.
  23. I get so angry with these people, If I was to catch them at it on anyone's car they would not do it again...
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