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Everything posted by robinh20mrv

  1. loanhead, edinburgh, go to the web site, full instructions there!! or call me on 0 777 4 777 151 cheers robin.
  2. hi m8 www.powervehicles.com they do it for aprox £50 of your pounds! cheers robin.
  3. hi steve, good to meet you as well! did your m8 (sorry cant remember his name) want pics of my intercooler? no probs if you want them,its good kit!! we will have to meet with scoobys one day, no mondeo/rover/toyotas!! cheers robin.
  4. more goods for the galloway wheel and tire pile!!!! thats only 10 spare wheels and tires i have now!!! cheers m8 !!
  5. SOLD!! i have added them to my pile!!!! so callum, when do i get your new wheels for my collection?? £150 of your strange island pounds? mmmmmmmmm???? robin "wheel collector" galloway
  6. £125? i am getting a bit short of wheels and tires!!! i realy need a spare 10 wheels and tires cheers robbin!!! like the dj but better looking!!
  7. hi m8s, there are a lot of cowboys out there, and we all know who they are, so lets just let the word spread via pms,meets ect...... john does a HUGE AMOUNT for sidc, and does not need or deserive any flak for stating the rules............... i do see both points here! cheers robin.
  8. £100 of your strange island pounds! and i will take the tires off free of charge! cheers robin of the rubber and alloy!!
  9. ballpark price?
  10. hehehehehe!!! gum ball, these wheels will go straight on, i have seen them and they are in great nick! cheers robin.
  11. DONT DO IT!! i was nearly turned to the dark side....... i had ordered a evo 7, but when it arrived i found it very "bland" good steering, nice up to 150 mph, but...............just a bit "dull" i now have a sti 8 ra , and i TOTALY love it!!! if you want converted, i will take you for a run next knockhill, you too will be in love!! mind you, std they are a bit pants!! cheers robin.
  12. ferodo ds2500 without a doubt!! can be a bit dusty though!! cheers robin.
  13. i will give you £100 for them then you wont have to move them far!!!
  14. hi guys, the wheels will fit but not with the tires cheers robin.
  15. east coast run down? yup, i will be up 4 that!! the chances are high that i will bring a few along!! so lets sort a meeting point!! cheers robin.
  16. if the gods of the oil biz let me stay i will come down with andy from jvs ( www.powervehicles.com ) cheers robin. 1. SCOOBAY 2. ANDYJDMSTI 3. AndyR '95 WRX (Hopefully !) 4. robinh20mrv (hopefully !)
  17. welcome to the mad house! now you will HAVE to get a full decat and a panel filter...................to startwith!!! cheers robin.
  18. worry not dougster! chances are very high i will be going, therfore will need a co pilot!! and the cars going soooooooooooo well!! 166mph on the road angel yesterday!! (on a private road of course) !!!! otherwise i would have been 106 mph over the limit !!!!!!!! just as well no plod about then!!!! see you soon m8, cheers robin.
  19. no m8, you were driving like my gran! i was heading up to loanhead, and saw you at the lights at the botttom of liberton brae heading out of town, do you live in loanhead? i have seen you heading that way a few times now, usualy about 5 30 ish cheers robin.
  20. hi m8, bet you are glad to have it back! i spotted you at the bottom of liberton brae yesterday, cars looking nice!! cheers robin.
  21. sorry to all, but i am now off to the gulf, therefore unable to sell the cooler. cheers robin.
  22. sorry guys...........i am now offshore, so WITHDRAWN FROM SALE.... as i am in the gulf!!! SORRY FOR ANY WASTED TIME! cheers robin,
  23. contact andy or pete @ jvs, www.powervehicles.com cheers robin.
  24. why dont you try andy @ jvs? www.powervehicles.com its worth a try! cheers robin.
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