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Everything posted by robinh20mrv

  1. 1 I prefer breasts to legs. 2 Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist. 3 Smother the butter all over the breasts. 4 If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst! 5 I've never seen a better spread! 6 I fancy a little dark meat for a change 7 Are you ready for seconds yet? 8 It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it? 9 Just wait your turn, you'll get some! 10 Don't play with your meat! 11 Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go 12 Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once? 13 I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time! 14 You still have a little bit on your chin 15 How long will it take after you put it in? 16 You'll know it's ready when it pops up 17 Just pull the end and wait for the bang 18 That's the biggest bird I've ever had! 19 I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning. 20 Wow, I didn't think I could handle all that and still want more! good one colin and helen!!
  2. what you are now not sending cards to both your friends?
  3. 1. The Squirrel 555 ................................ Either 2. robinh20mrv....................the oil gods permiting!
  4. hi, so are you coming to our trackdays then? i hope you have a big fuel tank!! cheers robin.
  5. so are you selling your new wheels then? what about the jeep??? mmmmmmmm 250??
  6. well........i am in tbilisi, georga, f.s.u sticking cameras up pipes! and will be for at least 3 weeks more! but the foods superb, xmas day off, and we even have a bar!! with REAL beer!! though we are all off to the sheraton in town for xmas eve and xmas day to test the local produce meet up with some russan girls!! i will keep you all posted!! ps, this is the 7 th xmas and new year offshore/away!! cheers robin.
  7. ebay calling!! might wait till the new year!
  8. hi troops, due to a change of plan i now have for sale x4 2001 silver (bug eye) wrx wheels and x4 (bug eye) 2001 gold wrx wheels! no tires, just wheels also x 1 2001 silver (bug eye) wrx wheel, all 17 inch.......these look great on a classic, and fit with 215/40/17s all are in good condition, and can be seen in sunny edinburgh at www.powervehicles.com offers on a pm please, pics to follow, or just go up and have a look!
  9. morning??? try it where i am!! tbilisi, georgia, f.s.u!! 4 hours ahead and f***ing freezing!!! oh, to be back in sunny , warm scotland!!
  10. yup, deed discs.........get a set of aps! problem over!! cheers robin.
  11. hi m8, are these the same size as sti 8 wheels? ie offset ect? also where are you about? also price? pm if you wish, last buy not least, a pic? cheers robin
  12. that has to hurt! imagine using a noble in the winter! crazy!!
  13. hi m8, try www.powervehicles.com andy and pete can do this at a very good price
  14. price?? pm if you wish, cheers robin.
  15. hi callum, good to hear the "grey slug" is going again! you take care on those slippy scottish roads with that suspention!!! it will slip away REAL FAST if it ever goes fast enough to break away!! you will be glad to know its REALY COLD here!!! still, i have to make a meger crust to buy more wheels and tires... and a turbo.......and aps.......and and and........................... cheers m8 robin"the frozen" galloway.
  16. hi gerry, thanks for clearing things up, ps i dont have a problem with you or your company! cheers robin.
  17. www.powervehicles.com ask for andy or pete!!! tell them robin sent you!!!!!!!!
  18. dougster!! oi!!! i shall not be going up any rivers with you!! outboard or not!!! you and i will have to go to "the strange island" 4 a wee drink!! callums car is running in today !!! new turbo enroute for h20, and new brakes!!!! spring you shall have to have a shot!!! (of the car) new reg on route!! so h20 is off to the mondeo, that will confuse things!!! cheers robin
  19. just my thoughts................ phil/dougster/guys, i am trying to keep it correct, i just think gems/motec give you after sales service........ how hard is it to get hold of bob rawle/sam elsar/steve simpson? mmmmmmm ie not hard, what if i (like some guys) had a uni chip??) paddle and creek springs to mind!! cheers robin.
  20. so will all who have a "old" uni chip get a remap for the "new" uni chip then? ££££££££££££££££££££££££? sounds a bit smelly to me, gems-motech are expensive, BUT you dont get told your car cant be mapped for what ever reson......................its called AFTER SALES SERVICE!! or have i missed somthing? what if i had a unichip now and i had a problem? eeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr down to tsl? dastech not playing? as i say, it smells, MY VIEW ONLY. cheers robin. ps if dastech are not on here, why not? and for the record, STEVE SIMPSON OF GEMS, did not want a "pre power run" he just got the cans on and got on with it..........................AND if i have a problem or need a remap for a new intercooler ect, he is here (or sam elsar aka "the dentist" within 24/36 hours, AFTER SALES SERVICE!! unlike dastech it would seem..................................................
  21. and check my reply!!
  22. well............i hear cars that have been booked in are being told to go away/come back later, as for "tired" scoobys, when i called to book in my new (7k) sti v8 ra i was told i had to do a "power run" b4 mapping, why? £££££££££££ perhaps? steve simpson from GEMS came from englandshire and mapped my car in a afternoon.........without any "power runs" just on with the det cans and away we go! your views please..........or do i smell a large mapping rodent? cheers robin "any wheels for sale" galloway.
  23. so whats the word? scoobys are a big no to dastech? i hope steve simpson stays with gems!!! or i am right in the poo!!
  24. no probs m8, but i will be in the gulf!! just deal with jvs (www.powervehicles.com) or call 0131 448 2444, i dont work there, they (andy and pete) just have a good name, ask around!! cheers robin.
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