Hi guys
does anybody know someone that can change my up pipe for me . Or maybe a garadge local to gravesend , somewhere where i can wait while its done. Anybody??????? please.
Happy birthday 2 you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear pele happybirthday to you................................. have a nice day sorry cant make it, dont drink to much ))
Mines the dogs aswel sheepie, them prodrive settings and new tyres have done the trick. Sticks to corners like glue, more fun faster corners . Thanx matey for takeing me up there. C ya at the meet next week.
Wel i is coming late or not this month, wanna meet all these new faces, so pele wats happening to your liceance? if i can help just ask i am only around the corner, dont forget now.
Go to walldonway subaru larkfield ,you will be shocked......genuine subaru mat set with impreza logo on £33.00 ask for allister and ask for discount drops to 30.00, better then cheap nasty sets that dont last. 01622 885800
hope that helps
Hi guys thinking of changing my exhaust headers but not sure which ones.....dont understand do i go for equal or un equal. Can anyone throw some light on it for me?
A little tip for you guys and it works belive me ..i got caught doing wel over 130mph on my r1 a few years ago......ask the copper to see the calibration cert ...all police cars before leaving for a shift have to have the equipment calibrated. Alot of the time they dont bother! It is your right to see it!!!!!! but you must ask then and there you cant ask for it after you have been issued with the ticket. Also i know how to dodge gatso fines too. That works to.
Think its time for the fuel strikes again.......perhaps they will listen and drop the price a little. Somethings gotta be done......perhaps someone in the sidc can set up a mass rally of scoobs to number 10. What fun, a few hundread scoobs reeving up outside mr blairs office may get on the 6 oclock news.
Proberly a holiday in some nice prison with air-con tv and a gym..................certainly not my sort of justice and proberly not many other peoples either...string ummmmm up by there balls i say....
Wel i`m a bit way .....a bit woo...... a bit of a geeeza............lol....... I own a kitchen fitting company we suppy and fitt those dream kitchens not crappy flat pack ones.......discounts for scoob owners supply only or supply and fit.
what sort of excess have you got..................coz tesco has got me on £850.00 at mo .............i`m 35 with 4yrs no claims, everytime i add a little to the car i do the right thing ring and tell them and BOBS YOUR UNCLE up goes the excess.