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The Admiral

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Everything posted by The Admiral

  1. Yes - Great Day guys - thx for organising it all! Fantastic roads, and a generally high standard of driving Cheers
  2. << just a quick question for the organisers. how far from awd is the first fuel stop? my car only holds about 30 quids worth of optipants,will i make it to the fuel stop? should get 100-110 miles to the tank? cheers jimmymc >> Could be hit or miss m8... Looking at your Avtar, I'd say you'd be lucky to be getting 90 miles before the low fuel light comes on, maybe? On the other hand, you might get a bit more than usual on this day, 'cos you'll only be needing about half throtle to keep up Cheers
  3. Sounds Good 1. ANDYJDMSTI 2. Swiggi + S6CUB 3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc 4. sti-zlv 5. wrx mania 6. madmonk 7. Corsa 8. fai 17 + wife + 2 kids 9. Playsatan 10. 2559B 11. rallye 6 12. Weeb 13. Wilky 14. ScoobyAndy 15. gr555 16. CHRISP GUMBALL3000 17. Pedro 18. sheep 19. Grant 20. Jambo ( without the kids) 21. ImprezaPete 22. Cal 23. Higgy 24. Karps 25. WRC No 1 + SCOOBYMADBURD 26. Krakann 27. Johnny 28. DC turbo 29. kartman 30. Dad 31. jimmymc (22nd) 32. Paddy247 33. sKunk 34. Seevers 35. Gee WR1 36. Miss Scooby 37. Spooks 38. SCOTTIESCOOB 39. Lordharding 40. Don Mega 41. Si,s Scoob 42. scoobykev 43. Dorikin aka Nyle; in his nice shiny GT4 WRC 44. Keevster(Paul.) 45. Rice Rocket + Rice Rockette 46. Billyboy + The Wife 47. P1ggm(gordo 48. Marc29 49. The Admiral Cheers
  4. Good day today - I Love Lambos Motorfair Vid 26MB Cheers
  5. << You will have an answer to your question on MLR shortly >>
  6. Hi Guys! I've been to a couple of Crail track days and they are Brilliant The track: Crail Track 23MB - may need the DivX Codec On the other days, they've run the track for the first bit, then closed it and done some 1/4 miles at the end (the 1/4 mile forms a part of the track). The 8val is usually open all day Cheers Rog 1. Matt 2. JohnnyR6 3. jcscoob 4. Swiggi 5. WRC No 1 6. Higgy 7. SMA01 8. Scott - P1 9. Playsatan2 10. WRXMANIA 11. Miss Scooby 12. 2559B 13. jasonb 14. shirley crabtree 15. Kenny McGee 16. gumball 17. The Admiral
  7. Hi Russs! Out of interest, what are the highest figures you've had from various models on pump fuel since you've fitted the dyno? Cheers
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