Suffering from severe depression at the moment coz I need to work tomorrow
If any of you guys are passing the Merc Garage in milton st (Glasgow) i want to hear
the burbles pops and bangs as you pass ( or nip in for a coffee )
Hope you all enjoy your day
p.s. do you lot have anything planned for a wee run afterwards
HADC (hyundai accent drivers club) meet at 7.00 then the REAL drivers meet at 8.00. Couldnt resist a wee dig at ya Claire.
See you guys there all goin well
Weather permitting I could possibly be Dundee bound coz im working til 6.00pm and well p!@@ed at not being
able to meke it to Knockhill
will post on sat if i can make it.
Cheers for the info guys.
Alloys are fine !!!!!
Thought i was goin to have to come back in towards you lot coz it nearly went a wee bit too far round.
Gave the car back this morning ( if only it was mine ) still in 1 piece still lookin good.