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Everything posted by DEVLIN

  1. Stick me down for one of each mate
  2. Spot on Dougster , you are only insured from the pointof the front plate to the extent of the rear plate Frightening to see how many trade plates get thrown on the back seat.
  3. Ian , I thought you,d never ask --- BRING IT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Yup , I am a big wean. Just had to get oot ma scratcher at 10.30pm last night for a wee play in the snow. just in case it was away by this morning. A few wee heart stoppers , 1 with a hedge , another 2 with the dreaded kerbs but still in one piece to tell the story. Hope the white magic is still lying at 6.00 tonight.
  6. I stand up against the o/s wing repeater and point the remote just above the o/s wiper blade , this seems to shield something and allow me to arm / disarm the alarm.
  7. Did any of you recommend a decent stain remover for kev,s seat.
  8. I need to get maself wan .
  9. Colin , got a set of 16s done in gold for £160.00 at esp coatings in possilpark they done a sound job , the wheels looked ready for the bin beforehand You can get them on 0141 336 3800 Pristine who I mentioned earlier are based in milton keynes but they arrange courier services for the wheels - diamond cut finish is approx £ 100 per wheel - the wheels have to be in good condition beforehand if diamond cut is required.
  10. Gordon , try Pristine wheels on 01908 282628 They are the only company I know that do diamond cut finish refurb. they will arrange collection / delivery of your wheels via courier.
  11. Paul , me ole buddy ,,,,,, hows you ,,,,,,,,, hows the new bus doin
  12. Good stuff Jamie , you can let us know the worthwhile parts and the odd bits to avoid.
  13. I rent a lockup from the council ( in the Kelvinside area ) and I get change out of 20 quid a month contact the local council office - they will probably tell you you could wait up to 12 years but I got mine within 6 months.
  14. Minibus load of us heading down on Sat - looking at a 4.00am start ( OUCH ) that means nae booze on the Friday night.
  15. Anyone heading down this weekend , looks like a good show on offer.
  16. Tell me where and when.
  17. 1. The Squirrel 555 .............Either 2. robinh20mrv....................The oil gods permiting! 3. Playsatan2......................Either 4. kart_man........................Probably either, but Saturday better. 5. JohnnyR6........................Sunday bloody sunday (queue music) 6. SCOOBAY......Either,neither,possibly,probably,don't know,maybe,not sure,undecided,yes,no,eh,????????? 7. Grovit..............................Either 8. Kenny.............................Either 9. Sti-04!! ...........................Either (if i am welcome or are you all scared of some mitsi meat) 10.Karps............................Sunday 11 Grant............................Either 12 WRCNo1...........................Either. cant 4get the mad burd and scooby in the back 14.rallye 6 ...........................either 15 DonZ ..............................either 16.keap_scooby ................. either, with mrs keap and baby keap 17.DEVLIN ........................... pref Sunday
  18. Workin now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Billyboy , I dont think we need any thanks. All I needed was to hear how appreciative the children were for the pressies and it was a nice touch to hear that the staff were overwhelmed at the amount of gifts we ( and all who participated ) donated to this worthwhile cause. Next major get together is a 21 Subaru drive by salute at ma waddin in May 05.
  20. Nice to be content in the knowledge that we,ve all helped others this crimbo !!!!!!!!!
  21. Put the stickers on earlier , they look the biz See ya all in 10hrs.
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