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Everything posted by DEVLIN

  1. They missed a crackin day, that's all I'm saying , right craigdmcd !!!! :occasion14: :occasion14:
  2. Scary stuff , as long as you are all ok.
  3. Hope the drivers involved are ok , still getting shivers when I think of it Black wagon , gold wheels , Reg started with L771 ( i think ) a definate write off Hope youre ok mate ( if it were any of you lot )
  4. Ehh !!!!
  5. Nae probs !!!!!!!
  6. Cannae believe youve no seen ma Green classic - she,s looking a wee bit rough at the moment , a wee bit neglected - ma time has been chanelled elsewhere Im from Hamilton by the way
  7. Craig , a few of us had a wee leisurely drive round the galloway hills , dont miss the next one mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Craig , was I at the Autosport show ??? I cant remember ??? had a wee tipple that weekend ??? auch well never mind
  8. Craig , where the feck were you today. !!!!!!!!!!
  9. Bargain !!!!!!! I,ll have two pleeze
  10. Ian , I will find out on Tuesday if I can get Saturday off for this - will reply once I know mate. Guess i,m kind ,a, addicted to the odd bit of marshalling.
  11. Pedro , I have been sayin for a while - GREEN is the fastest colour !! but have been a wee bit outnumbered. Tailgate your wagon anytime mate !!
  12. Was lookin out for you today mate , sorry you couldnt make it - missed a good day. See you at the next meet
  13. Well done Grant & Imy , Another great jaunt - twisties , flat out straights , hump back bridges , sidey ways hair pins , the lot mate !!!!! what more could I ask for - My old man thinks were all aff wur heeds !!!! Lookin forwards to the next meet . Always good to put more faces to names Pedro , I aint followin you next time mate
  14. Not too bad Wullie , still working a minimum 6 day week to pay for my wedding + new house. The joys of scooby ownership , if the,re running good , they cost a bomb in fuel and if they aint running they cost a bomb in repairs. This is when you ask yourself ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are they really worth it ? Yup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Disconnected the air mass and the engine idle,d fine at 800rpm approx with the " check engine " light on. I re-connected it and the engine started hunting again. Any ideas ??????????
  16. Cheers mate , goin to try that the noo !!!!!!!
  17. Help !!!!!!! Ma engine is hunting on idle like mad - rev counter jumping from 100 to 1500 rpm at 2 second intervals Do ya think its the air mass sensor --------- any other ideas ?????? Cheers in advance for any info p.s. the car dont get used much these days , a couple of miles per day , not really gettin a chance to heat up.
  18. 1.Dougster 2.WRXMANIA 3.SWIGGI 4.Seevers(could probably reverse down to this one it's that close) 5.TheSquirrel555 6. Spooks ..........................yes thats right me 7. Big Andy all the way from sunny Ayrshire 8. WRC No 1 9. Malky 10. DEVLIN - this one could be the reunion 11. SCOOBAY - how does 11th suit you mate ( I,m 10th )
  19. The more the merrier.
  20. I just dont seem to get the time mate !!!!!!!!
  21. 1.Dougster 2.WRXMANIA 3.SWIGGI 4.Seevers(could probably reverse down to this one it's that close) 5.TheSquirrel555 6. Spooks ..........................yes thats right me 7. Big Andy all the way from sunny Ayrshire 8. WRC No 1 9. Malky 10. DEVLIN - this one could be the reunion
  22. Bttt for a serious lack of interest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Each to their own mate , I,m still well and truly tangoed !!!!!!!!
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