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Posts posted by frenchy

  1. Not sure about any such list Chris. You're a servant of the regional members now, so just do all that is asked of you.

    As for your badge & opening up of the ROs section, that's up to Kim or Stu to sort I believe?

    I only got mine sorted last night, so a little more patience may be required ;).

    Yes, when I've a few minutes I'll sort for Gordon and Chris. I've got 30+ shop orders to collate first


  2. Well i'd like to say it's looking good but to be honest i can't......

    :hitler: Because the pics aren't showing up on my screen. I'm sure it'll looking great though if the last snap shot was anything to go by. All the work behind the scenes is much appreciated. :icon_salut:

    The images are quite big, that may be your issue Davey, just slow loading.

  3. I am pleased to announce an update of the new website and shop.

    We have been working tirelessly over the last couple of weeks to add content and structure to the new website and shop. It's been a slow process and there have been a fair few teething problems that we've had to overcome.

    There is still a lot of work still to be done but we now see light at the end of the tunnel.

    I'd like to thank Bakerzone and Stum450n for all their technical input yesterday, collectively we spent 30 hours on it.

    Here's another screenshot, this time of the prospective shop :)

    We hope that the launch will only be a matter of weeks now, we're just making the final tweaks.....

  4. Brian and Tam - I replied to your message on 05.08.12 at 10.30pm asking for some clarity but no further response was receieved from you.

    The information was then passed onto the Scottish Committee the next day.

  5. I'm afraid we will continue to have issues until we can get the bugs fixed.

    The issues are mostly affecting the main website and shop which leads on affect with the forums.

    We now know what the issues are but it's a case of finding and fixes the bugs.

    I appreciate it's frustrating but please do bear with us until we can get things resolved.

    Kim :)

  6. As you may have noticed, the website, forums, shop and True Grip site have been down intermittantly since Thursday.

    This is a hosting issue which we are trying to resolve as a matter of urgency.

    We are in the process of taking steps to ensure that this amount of downtime does not occur again.

    Thank you for your patience so far.


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