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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. << cal you have mixed the last two links on your site. They lead to each other's vid >> Now fixed
  2. lol at 'DREW JDMSTI My fiancee specialises in her own lyrics .........some of them are cringe worthy !
  3. Quick tip :- if you wear contact lenses bring your gregories too as there always crap flying inside your visor...... Also, buy a cheap helmet unless you want to be wearing the previous stag parties sweaty helmets Not really an issue as IIRC they issues helmet disposable liners....... Most of all have fun and get drifting those back ends oot ! Cal
  4. << Nice one bud can i addd it to ma links on ma site!!!!? >> No probs Fraser
  5. On the joab of fixing and will add Kevs mishap / brown undercracker moment
  6. << Of course there is also me that has had my ninja on for an age. I have had it with both equal and unequal length headers and it sounds the nuts. Not too loud for cruise but brill when you open her up! >> Video of Coulster zorst in flyby action at KH in my video site It's popping like feck although i dare say thats decat induced Cal
  7. New videos added including 1) Coulty popping like a popcorn kernel 2) Who can remember who the geeza was in the green classic clip ? 3) who's the dude in the silver classic that sliding all over the joint at KH Cheers Cal
  8. My brother (Fraser) has confirmed he can attend - is it okay to pay on the day ? Thanks Cal
  9. I did this a couple of yrs ago after going for 8 lame jogs beforehand. Was tough going but not too bad........ Feck doing 26 miles - it cannot be good for you ! Is anyone else considering this ? Great Scottish Run I may do it again just to lose some winter induced boady mass Cheers Cal
  10. Why is there a bulge is my groin area
  11. Here's a nifty Tax Calculator I had the tax man on my back a while ago - they are very unorganised. I had different branches chases me for something I had cosed out ages ago...........they are a feckin bunch of pests....... Its pisses me off that you be proactive with them and then they chase you for something you declared years ago. Here's a message for Tony Blair and his stealth tax click me
  12. This may make you change your mind Video Clip in car with Turbo XS RFL ( Right Click & Save As or Stream ) May car sounded so lame when i took my off for a couple of days Cheers Cal
  13. I reckon the above T-shirts would look good with the front as it is but the back having a design similar to the Scottish Scoobies stickers ( i.e like the design Brian has on his rear pax window) Good idea or lame ? Cal ps why did they sew grapes into the ladies T-shirt above ?
  14. Andy, Here's a handy link to trading standards which you help your plight...... Threaten to contact BBC watchdogs if necessary ( after carrying out some research to see if you have a case) Good luck and keep cool. Cal
  15. Thanks for the feedback Stephen ......thats exactly what my g'friend said ! Adding the background sound was just some experimentation It does annoy the thruppenies off you after a while ! I may tinker with the rest but for the time being I'm chuffed that i got the video hosting working. I'll be adding loadsa videos overtime Cheers Cal
  16. I have finally pulled the finger out and got my video hosts properly It's my first stab at a webpage so can the webmonkeys in here take it easy on me http://www.shand-online.co.uk/ More will be added after my hosts have given me the cat of nine tails Enjoy Cal
  17. Right, this is a test to see if it's working now Right click, save as or stream direct Edit :- Works for me, how about you guys
  18. Matt, I touch goats back - I will buy the pipe at the price you mentioned EDIT :- sold to Cal .........................thanks Matt Cheers Cal
  19. Matt - please PM me with a ball park figure of what you're after for this
  20. Excellent news Keep up the good work - you're efforts are appreciated I'd like to see this functionality :- ----------------------------------- View posts since last visit View your posts View unanswered posts ------------------------------------- I know you can subscribe to threads and click on "Today" but I miss these functions Thanks Cal
  21. I have a 5 speed gear knob on ebay at present clicky Dunno if it'll suit your car though ? Cheers Cal
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