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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. Sounds good to me Derek but I guess some peeps are happy with the current format......nowt wrong with that. I just thing it would ne nice to have some sections to save sifting through the entire list of threads e.g go offshore for 3 weeks with no www access and when you come back you'll have ahell of a job sniffin' out what interests you. Please note my post is intended to be constructive - I'm a mellow fellow as most of you know Cal
  2. Like i say - I'm just interested in peoples thoughts. Even 3 sections or more stickies would tidy thimgs up a bit ?
  3. In my opinion, we really could do with distinct different sections within the Scottish Scoobies Forum........... e.g Events & Announcements General Technical Banter / Jokes Newbies Was it you ? Post Events Gallery, Videos Whats everyones thoughts ? For £30 quid a year a feel this shouldn't be too much to ask ? I know there is the SIDC section itself but I feel we'd benefit from our own sections ? Please dont flame me for this ! I'm only thinking of us all and the future of our squadron Thanks Cal
  4. Get in quick Dougster !!!!!!!!!!!! Clicky !
  5. Bump for the Abz attendees tomorrow night
  6. This would go a treat with yer tan when you hit the Blue Oyster Bar Clicky Cal p.s just to emphasi that Dougster is not gay - he's just the only person in here I could think of who wouldn't take too much offence to my thread ( i.e i dont know the rest of you well enough yet .......)
  7. Nice car I think your reverse lights my be permanantly on though Maybe not but it certainly looks that way Cheers Cal
  8. Having seen the forecast on Friday I planned a wee run with Natalie on Saturday Over Campsies + Dukes Pass + Callander + Aberfoyle + Stockie + Colpi's ice cream The Dukes Pass was very quiet - OMG do I love that road Highlight of the day ( other than the driving !) was hiring a tandem for 2 hours up at Loch Katrine. REALLY good fun. Had Natalie crapping herself on the down hills peddling in top gear She totally freaked when i was going along with my hands of the handlebars Really recommend trying this ( and it's a great excuse to get a cheeky wee drive in !) Cal ps tip of the day " Farting with a rear tandem paxxer is not a popular manoevre !"
  9. Pinched from Type R Scotland "Been reading on Scottish_Elises today that their run was brought to an abrupt end by a Police road block. Apparently some old duffer reported them for having the audacity to overtake him. As usual the report was probably exaggerrated to include rowdy boy racers, young hooligans driving dangererously etc blah blah. Hardly true as they are mainly oaps over there So despite none of them being caught speeding, or doing anything reckless or illegal they were all pulled over and made to sit about for 2 hours while their cars were scutinised for faults. I think they issued a grand total of a £30 fine for some slightly iffy spacing on a number plate. Obviously the North East cant be a hotbed of crime given the resources sent to pull over a bunch of guys out on a Sunday run Anyway, with more and more cars attending our runs its probably only a matter of time before something similar happens to us. Some of the cars were warned by fellow drivers via mobiles before they hit the road block. Reports of Tut heading for the border with a high speed bike in pursuit are, as yet, unconfirmed " After reading that you may wish to read this - we need another 16 peeps Edit :- puts me off decatting my whip when I see sh1t like that. Is the fine not circa £1000 ? ABERDEEN peeps :- watch out en route to our monthly meet Piccy of the entourage being apprehended !
  10. Piccy as promised........... edit :- I love this as you can slide off the screen and take it with you when you leave the car Pimp Daddio
  11. Bastids - I missed this AGAIN Sounds like y'all had FUN !
  12. For the benefit of the others this is what happened !........ I attended a meeting in Aberdeen and spotted a Scooby in the car park. Low and behold, when i got into the meeting room i spotted Eric ( who didn't recognise me) Just so happened to be sitting beside each other and we all started passing round the business cards. I wrote "SIDC " on my card and slid it across to Eric who looked a tad surprised to say the least Not the funniest story in the world but was rather amusing watching Eric interpret my writing and then chortle.... Moan the Scoobs ! See you on Tuesday Abz chappies Cal
  13. Hmmmmmmm so his chances of meeting a lemon curd are pi$$ poor. Anyone know if Newton Stewart has a good dogging scene Lock up yer goats peeps.........this mans got excessive mojo issues ! Thanks anyway Cal
  14. I love mine SO much, it feels dull as dishwater without it.........have read all the bumph and unless you really neglect her you shouldn't have any probs from what i can gather. Like Callum says, if you're running higher power then your map will sort it..... I blame Jools and his Alford video for "grooming" me into buying one. They sound feckin AWESOME IMHO ! I have the TurboXS RFL for your info Cal
  15. Keep it - you'll only spend more modding the next one Carl !
  16. Welcome mon amigo..........Nice wheels you got there Cal
  17. Excellent Thanks for that.........good to know where these gimps operate and what their strategy is
  18. Subaru WR Sport + unresonated centre section = luverly burble All cats in place too ( for how long though ) From experience you pass a point where you want more noise and the over step the mark. Louder = better & more grins but :- - Pisses off neighbours - You look like a chav in the work car park - Its SO annoying above 70 mph on m'way But what they hay ! The louder the better Cal
  19. You've nae sky rockets to keep yer " spur chaynge " in though We'll treat you to a haircut instead...... Now where did i leave that bowl
  20. Thou shall worship the Wilky banter ! :8 Top drawer Sooty
  21. My brother is moving from Glasgow to Newton Stewart to start a new job as some sort of estate management dude for the Forrestry Commision...........so :- 1) Any local advice on housing market ? Budget is circa £150k or so 2) He's now single again so needs to know where the burds hang out 3) Any nightlife action ? ( if any !) Speeddating an option ? 4) Any other tips ? We're doing a recce this Saturday. Needless to say we'll be taking the MMR route ! Thanks in advance Cal
  22. Black flaps match all colours IMHO...........cant go wrong
  23. Guys, I have added another piccy for those who haven't noticed Cal
  24. LOL at Callum Thou shall blip the throttle when passing the scameravans Thou shall act kamikaze when within 50 metres of a Mitsy Evo Thou shall bow to the Shell Pecten Logo Thou shall cut cheese sangers @ 45° for Scooby runs Thou shall soil ones maryl grey briefs when hitting limiter in 4th Thou shall emit shrieks of pleasure at the mere sound of a burble
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