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~ ~ Cal ~~

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About ~ ~ Cal ~~

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  1. My favourite road of all time ..........sounds like you guys had a blast some snaps i took a while back .......my wife was preggers at the time and really enjoyed it ( cough !) <P></P> <P></P> <P></P> <P></P> <P></P> <P></P> <P></P>
  2. Get a real engine guys ! None of this guff above :
  3. er - that should have been a smiley !
  4. More pics please ! Great results )
  5. Scoobless for two months now......... Yes I miss that sound but I have a tasty replacement. I dont miss the contintual spending of moneda, constant hassle come MOT time, desire to keep tinkering ! I may buy one again but it would be a Scooby less than 3 years old. I love Classics but they are getting too long in the tooth. Have got into Mountain Biking which is far cheaper and give a far greater buzz. I'll always be fond of Scoobs but prefer a daily runner which is comfortable, quick, and maintenance free Cal ( still lurking !)
  6. Try this fella Stuart Scott (Paint Technik) : 07801301700 or 01224 899920 I have used them 3 or 4 times. They live near me and are very reasonably priced. Based near the Audi Garage in Aberdeen Cal
  7. That Audi gets better :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpegBYr54J8...feature=related
  8. Man I forgot about this thread Listen to this Audi spoooooooooool !
  9. Had ( & perhaps still have ) two Elise owners interested - one is a very genuine guy but he has had two head gasket failures on his Elise so is understandably cautious. The other is a keen bean to but cannot produce the greenbacks till February. I am torn like Natalie Imbruglia ! I could realistically do with the cash just now but not desperate. Equally I would love to keep her as once the diff issue and gasket issue is sorted she is 110% a damn fine satisfing sensible / yet bonkers vehicle. As for the sound she makes Flat bedding or towing to Wuz's @ the time of year with snow aint gonna happen either but his offer is massivale appreciated I know I could break her and get semi-decent money too. It's just time and hassle. I could do with towing it to a Bombay yeard and letting hundreds of efficient Indians trip her like a plague of locii. Bad time of year to happen too. WUZ is also a bad man in that he is planting the Nordschleife seed once again ! Whatever decision I make it will be a serious head versus heart debate. One thing is for sure...........I very much appreciate the input from you guys
  10. In relation to this thread/sale to set the context........ http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...p;#entry1327500 I have this dilemma :- What would you folks do ? I do not intend to keep "her" although I dont really want to sell her. All comments appreciated Calum p.s anyone got a flat-bed / trailer that would be willing to help me shift the car from Cove to north of Inverurie. Dough will be furnished to anyone who can help out.
  11. That is a thing of beauty !!!!!!
  12. Any Mac user got a .Mac or MobileMe account ? Just wondering if they rate the service & deem it to be decent value ? Cheers, Cal
  13. Damn fine work folks..................10/10 to each and every one of you !
  14. I run one as well and it does the job just nicely
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