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insane clown

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Everything posted by insane clown

  1. ooooh my, you do have a big one, can't beat the burble.............are they 5"??
  2. do it!......it don't get much louder just sounds slightly different, i think it was power engineering i got mine, S/S magnex £55 +, got full s/s decat on mine and wouldn't change it now
  3. he taught Michelle Marsh everyting he knows[]
  4. again ..never met him but that's terrible news and thoughts go out to his family, bring lump to me throat just thinking that he hasn't seen his life yet and not get a chance to see his little girl grow up, really sad, R.I.P.
  5. Right i've been on to the RAF and they have organised a group buy on Tornados and F16's, they do have a couple of harrier jump jets available but are more pricey. I thought the harriers jets would work wonders in any traffic jams.[]......but i think i'll stick to dreaming of big flames for now[]..............just for the record ...please do not contact the RAF as they pratice very closely over head here!!!......and i like my roof tiles
  6. HEY!!!!...............hang on!...............mines only 2 inches!!!!!!!.................................from the floor[]
  7. mmmmm...but you can't say **** or *******. but you can get away with ***** *** ******! or maybe not...... bolics[:|]
  8. great video, scoob could of done beemer i think,.....and whas that he's diff i could hear?......or an aeroplane!
  9. been there!!.........put signs in it, one person viewed it, after nearly a month, nothing. so i put a sign in the passat and sold within 2 hours!!!........now i'm loving the scoob even more,...........for the first time since i've had it i actualy leathered the windows inside and out!!...........and inside the doors........next...the dash!!! and fook the petrol, you need it so you have no choice, don't like paying over inflated prices but.......look at the joy that comes with it[]
  10. If you look carefully, he's a cautious driver, he's double checking his gauges just before he flicks into another gear, but must admit, it looks like he has power failure and is actualy rolling back down the hill![]
  11. oh! yes heared that before[]........people even said mine used to sound like Barry white[:$]
  12. any better Dan ? ................
  13. I think they were around the 276 bhp mark, i may be wrong. still a whole lot better than standard import ecu i think, and 10 times better than any uk one!![] and uk fuel freindly too i think
  14. I too thought about the Z4, but got me chip instead, worth having one though, or Z5 if you can get one?
  15. Aw i say.............look what i found, like your one.[]..........http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/657983/ShowPost.aspx
  16. hi mate, i got my96 uk classic with the 4 plug ecu, there is a space on the board for the chip, and this is the one if you fit the chip you cut the j1 restister. i have a chip fitted in mine (scoobyecu) they come with a generic map normaly about 15.5 psi and raised fuel cut ect.... this is my ecu pictured so yours should look like it, the chip is fitted bottom right (28 pin)
  17. http://www.saxonfields.freeserve.co.uk/Sco...ge/s1s2s3s5.gif this shows you where it is, (no 3 i think)
  18. that's what i thought..............come on ..who was it??!
  19. i can not believe that!!.........to think of the risk if it is to do with the powder baking process, how many other wheels out there risking the lives of unexpecting drivers. glad your all ok but someone will get seriously hurt sooner rather than later, and to think you just found another wheel ready to go!...............i think your very lucky to be able to tell us this mate, could of been a whole lot worse. all the best. mark
  20. 22b andy put me a roger clarke oil pump in and can say you can almost hear the difference!!, car seems quiter now, even though 130000 miles on it, i'll have to fish out the bill for it for price including fitting[]
  21. imports should run on optimax plus booster to get it near the 100+ ron they use in jap land, i suppose being as it's not been de-restricted yet that it hasn't been thrashed at 140 mph everywhere, but they need the higher octane in them so be wary if it hasn't. if you have the dosh then go for an Apexi unit or simular and get it mapped proffesionly, that will sort that out.(ecu and map is cheaper than engine re-build) you can get the restictor changed easy but i'm not sure if this comes with the uprated ecu if you get one.......someone will inform you i'm sure[]
  22. Sad news mate, thoughts with family and friends,.......time to remember about all you guys out there doing what you do, 'out of sight out of mind'. but what you all do is well appreciated and respected, be strong, i can't bear to think of the agony right now mate, good luck. []
  23. yes mine is a my96 and has no earthing of this kind, my first thought it would be a good earth point for "a gadget" i think the ecu is earthed via the loom, coz it still works ect... when not bolted down? it looks to me with the burnt end and no evidance of any gizzmos, that the offending gadget has been removed, but check under there just incase mate[:|]
  24. Hi! mate, was the earth wire on one of the bolts/nuts that holds the ecu?, i can not recall an earth point anywhere there so chances are it's an old gadget thingy which is probably not present in the car now. handy if you could find the other end!!.......you'll do no harm undoing the little nuts that hold the ecu, have a good look around don't be scared that the loom may break or something, (as long as you don't swing it around your head!!). even undoing the 6 little screws that hold the casing together to have a peek, gives you an understanding of what it is when you see it in front of you[]........
  25. "this is what i'm going to eat next" only kidding ,
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