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Everything posted by SEEVERS

  1. Good man Billyboy...
  2. Paul my good man,gimme a call and i'll fit it for you no probs. Del.
  3. Where did you lads get these stickers??? Cheers Del.
  4. Type in Prodrive centre caps on fleabay and the guy from domezone is usually on there everytime. Del.
  5. You'll get the centre caps if you go to www.domezone.co.uk or .com..... can't quite remember which it is,but they do everything in any size you require... Hope this helps. Del.
  6. Just finished wrapping the 30 presents we managed to buy today with the £245 myself and Kate raised for the Santa Cruise....... It was a strangely gratifying experience,being sat in doing this on a Saturday night...... Should be a good day next Sunday... Del.
  7. Jim Dickson in Cumbernauld can do them cheaper Coulster. Del.
  8. 1. Gumball (Glasgow) 2. JC (Tayside) 3. HI SOOB (Central) 4. Coulster (Fife) 5. Scoobyandy (Edinburgh) 6. Playsatan (Glasgow) 7. Fastscooby (Fife) 8. Cal ( err... Abz or Glasgow ) - maybe - going for sub 58 sec lap 9. Cals brother - Fraser (Glasgow) - maybe 10. NightOwl (Fife) 11. Dougster (Glasgow) 12. Fee (Edinburgh) 13. Adam (Edinburgh) 14.ScottySTI (ayrshire) 15.Seevers(Glesgay) Del.
  9. Picture please Brian,if you would be so kind.... Del.
  10. Those wheels really suit the white Scoob.... Del.
  11. That's right i forgot about the gloves thread Very kinky....LOL Just kiddin mate Del.
  12. Congratulations Ally+Jodi..... Hope you have a great day...... Remember and post up the pics........ Del + Kate
  13. Welcome back bud,you goin to watch the debacle that is Glasgow Rangers tonight...? Del.
  14. To stop calling us "JOCK" would be a good start...."PERCY"... LOL Del.
  15. That's great Stephen,glad to hear it mate..... Del.
  16. Big Fella,i really worry about you sometimes........ Del. obviously i am pished as i am posting at this time of the morning. just got in from Little Britain Live......you would've loved it..........there was a lot of GAYS!!!! Del(again)
  17. Chris,what colour Buggy you got??? Del.
  18. Can you give me a call about the amp 'n' sub,cheers 07868739780 Del.
  19. Cheers
  20. Turn on your PM facility. Del.
  21. John,does this have the full wiring kit with it? Cheers Del.
  22. One of these(Bugeye) pulled right in beside me at a car park in Merrylee today.......beautiful looking machine. Nice set of alloys and some tasty red mudflaps. Del.
  23. Nothing interesting,just good night,i'm off to bed. Del.
  24. Do i feel a free strutbrace comin on....haha How much am i payin for that anyway....honestly Del.
  25. Stephen,why dont you buy the Brembos and keep them till you've got the dough for new wheels that way you're defo gonna have a set no matter what........just a thought. Del.
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