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oj 89

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oj 89 last won the day on August 15 2013

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About oj 89

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  1. Why sell up? Worst case scenario, get a diesel with a towbar (and a trailer), strip the impreza, and use the saved money to take it on the track.
  2. Very cool! How much is it to get on the track? Last I saw was £160 for the day. Can't afford that atm unfortunately, otherwise I'd be there too! Good luck on the day.
  3. Sounds good! Might even extend the offer to the essex boys too. Although I'd probably wait till the summer so my n/a has less of a disadvantage
  4. How accurate is the Hayes Dyno..? Never been there before (despite being around the corner from me
  5. Love it! Might do this when I get a girl to drive mine..... I'm sure it'll make an awesome video!
  6. Been there, done that on the OP. Thankfully it was on my Corsa, on steel wheels. Got home and tried to cover the wheel which obviously wasn't straight and scouring the webz for replacement steelies. Ended up finding a set round the corner and having to get my dad's help to redo the tracking. You live and learn eh?
  7. afaik, you'll notice it more in your fuel tank than the engine, and the benefits aren't usually worth the outlay - either up-front or over-time. There is more stress put on the engine, and this might play a factor depending on how well it's been maintained etc. Could be talking out of my backside though, and it'd probably be better to wait for the more experienced users to wake up, but that was my understanding of it...
  8. Ahh, now the term UP pipe makes sense. With the Exhaust manifold going UP to the turbo, and back down. The more you know....
  9. Oh, on the exhaust side. I was thinking a Intake Pipe from my VAG history. Still not familiar with the engine layout on the turbos. Need to get my hands dirty on one methinks >: )
  10. I'll go get the long weight, shall I? What the hell is an up pipe anyway!? XD
  11. Repeat for a newer member? I've been loving this conversation! Haha.
  12. Who here has an Android phone? I made a wee app to take you straight to the forums if anyone wants it?

  13. Bit too early after Rallyday for me to get there unfortunately. Hopefully if I'm on a bit more money next year, I'll be up for it
  14. Lol. I'm going Rallyday, but will go down and back on the day
  15. Ty. At the moment, its looking like 4 attendees. 1 or two more, and I think we'll be looking at organizing a location
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