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Everything posted by Mako

  1. Looking good Paul [Y] Russ
  2. Excellent pics as usual Col [Y] lucky lucky boy tho' . bet you were glad the mini didn't flip. could've been a lot worse. Any more pics from thursday night by the way? Russ
  3. Col, the black Sti with the piggy's is me mate Bob's. Sure he went on the last Dundee run with you guys. On the subject of waving, the wife and I wave at all scoobs, classic and newage. find it 50/50 on return of wave [] Russ
  4. looking good Rab.[Y] digging the arch extensions [H] Russ
  5. Bloody hell Gav, that was quick[] Oh well, them's the breaks I guess. Hope they will look after it as we did. Cheers Russ
  6. Gareth, long story bud but basically Adam was able to supply us the car we were looking for and was also offering us the best px price. Didn't have the time to hold on to the WRX and try to move it from Eden. [] Russ
  7. Gus, I LIKE IT......................A LOT!!!![][][H]
  8. John, she was fully involved in the decision [] not an easy one I have to say but it had to be done. As for the future I have been completely taken over with the whole track scene. Expect to see the auld jallopy just get quicker and quicker [] We shall return..........................someday, with something special..........maybe[] Big Dog [&] Russ
  9. to the wife's WRX yesterday. Thankfully I still have my toy to feed my Scoob addiction [] Just hope that whoever ends up with the car enjoys it and looks after it as much as we did. Russ []
  10. Excellent pics Col, as usual [] Cheers Russ
  11. Love this one of the Higgymobile lighting up it's tyres coming out the hairpin at KH [H] Russ
  12. Superb pics Col [Y] [H][H][H] Russ
  13. What a great night.[] Thanks to Brian and Gus for coming out with me. hope you's had fun.[] Just put the auld jalopy to bed and thought I'd better check the tyres as she felt a bit rumbly on the way home. Holy SH!7 !!!!! there are chunks the size of a 10p bit missing from outside edges. Were we pushing it that hard Mr Gus???? Need new tyres now anyway. [] Higgy, the motor is flying now bud and sounding great. I have got some cracking footage of you going round at the end of the session. Superb[Y] Some really nice motors there and some really good driving. Unfortunately also some pretty p1s5 poor driving too. Anyway, good night and hopefully Col666 will be along with some pics soon. Cheers Russ
  14. John, you're spot on bud.[] open pit so you move into pit lane and when you feel the need just get out there and enjoy yourself. Or if you want to watch us eejits pretend we can drive (speaking for masel) []then spectating is free. Usually really good craic and the guys are always happy to take folks out for pax laps, myself included. Gus, your co-pilot's seat is waiting for ya. hopefully get a bit more time out on track this time.[Y] Have stripped a few more kg's out of the car and fixed my gearbox problem so really looking foward to ragging the @rse out of the car this time.[] see ya's there Russ
  15. John, top marques is track time organised by knockhill. open pit . usually get some really nice pieces of kit there, porsche, ferrari etc. If poss you should pop up, hopefully it will be nice weather and a dry track. cheers Russ
  16. Goodoh Brian [][] Your seat is waiting for ya [].
  17. OH NOOOOO!!!! Think I might cancel now[][] Only kidding Col. [] Will see you there. Just don't point your camera at me. [Y] Russ
  18. That'll be a no then.[] I will be there if anyone wants some pax laps[]
  19. Stripe, I had exactly the same thing. was the right hand rocker cover gasket. not a big job and very common. Cheers Russ
  20. Anyone going up to this? 6-8pm Knockhill. Russ
  21. Go for it Gus. [Y] looks superb. very very cool[H] Russ
  22. Managed to find a few pics of Jon and Nikki's wedding. Great day and they both looked fantastic. [] The bride arrives The happy couple With the wedding car A' the best Russ
  23. I touch goats bud [] Russ
  24. Looking good Cal [] Glad everything is fine with the fiancee and your b0ll0x are still in tact [][] Nice to meet you by the way. Motor's a belter Russ
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