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scottishtaffy last won the day on December 31 2013

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About scottishtaffy

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  1. anyone going down/up to this?
  2. right on the fling side of mthings as dave cant do it i said i would have abash and think it will be the first weekend of june or laat one in may. nothing definit yet tho but will keep all posted on dates as soon as i have numbers of who is going
  3. i will be there too
  4. go for it dave. even the mrs love them in mine now.
  5. im with ccrien. i just paid for it so its staying on.
  6. seen the pics on face book. looks real nice.. she reckons she might be able to keep up with ' the plow ' now. bless her cotton socks. does that mean she driving next yrs fling in it dave?
  7. mmmm not sure about these equal lenght jobs. after all its the burble that makes a scooby. well for me any way lol. let us know how ou get on chris
  8. big thank to my belinda for finding my walbro fuel pump in the bottom of a basket in the kitchen. also thanks to scot for tagging me in a post about a esl and thanks to dave for said esl. im now good to go for the full tweek and remap now. once i remember where i put the 550s now....... only kidding they are in my man cave safe. one very happ bunny at the mo and one delirious one the start of next month once its actually been mapped
  9. next week hopefully or maybe the week after. once i pay last half. and in other news. i, or should i say my mrs, has found my walbro too. so once i get the esl im good to go. woohoo
  10. due to spending fuel money on a esl for my ra i wont be able to make it. tho its sacreficed for a good reason. now i have found and managed to buy an esl i can finally get mine mapped . whoop whoop. so hopefully get down to the next track day and get some track time .
  11. how much to just come down and have a look. do they charge for entry?
  12. think i will take a trek down. wont be going on the track tho as need it mapped first and the coilys fitted to get the best out of a track day but will come down for a look see and find out whats involved for when mine is finally ready to do a track day
  13. my wench got my 2 tickets for said btcc at knockhill so me and my eldest are going down and depending on the weather we have a full weekend pass with camping . so hopfully be good for the camping. if not then we will go down for the racing on sunday. now do i take the ra or get my son to drive in his gti.? gti would be cheaper on fuel as dont think ive done enouh overtime for fuel for the scoob as its near a 300 mile round trip. plus got a warped disc on the front of the ra so golf it is and i will be chauffeured in
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