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Everything posted by ccrien

  1. Cheers Andy, the Forester is an N/A, as is our Impreza GX, so a crossports would be first venture into turbo ownership. the front pipe to cat flange joints are known to rot on N/As but hoping the tester was just being cautious and it will last a few years Just live in Scotland a few days a month plus a few weeks a year really, just a part timer. cheers, Colin.
  2. Bloody hell, youve dug deep there highland forry/ leftasaltytaste! If a ( very) northern englishman who has a little old remote cottage in SW Scotland (thats 30 miles more south than my NE English home and an exhillarating 164 mile drive away especially in winter) counts, maybe i can add myself to the list??? p. s. The 2003 (uk salty roads) forester passed its MOT today with whatever the word for advisories is these days, for undertray and sill covers fitted, and a rusty front pipe to cat flange joint. So another year to go, at least, and the impreza not due inspection till next year. P.s.2 . Welcome, if you ever need advice, this forums the one. p.s3: Im still hovering whether to buy a crossports or other jap import? Old school reliability and relative simplicity versus modern un-needed "technology" but so much complexity with cross matching parts with uk cars/sources when needed. best wishs no. 160 on the list. CCRIEN
  3. Cheers Floz, can't add a comment to the post but thanks for donating / organising and commiserations to the others who didn't guess so luckily!       Will come into good use on both cars, (once I've finished dealing with some unexpected rear inner arch corrosion on the forester).   Thanks again, Coln.

  4. Good luck,. Try running a bit of cable as an extra earth wire between a metal part of the light circuit board and a bare nut on the body and see if it works.
  5. Check the earth in the side that doesn't work??
  6. Was looking to come up to it but am off to India instead with work for a week, so let us know all about it and maybe get up next year if it becomes an annual thing.
  7. Good to hear you're still around Mark. That car will still be a good one in years to come then.
  8. Good observation! Not sure where everyone's gone. Watch out mind, or you might get to be "top poster" of the day from a new post, when it's like this.
  9. Good prompt, Looks interesting and attendance is a possibility
  10. Bet it feels like you've been robbed ! ( even more than before ). Lol
  11. LOL It's definitely a wet area, poor or not. Still got my tax discs on until they expire. Paid for them so why not leave them stuck on just to show I'm not quite so poor. Look closely at mctwistuk's. Expired end September, so we can't tell whether he's paid or not from October, unless you have an ANPR thingy
  12. Good luck with the new car, sounds like a good one
  13. Spect you put a bit waxoyl or grease on the front " crossbar" rusty bits as well? Les see the pics of the new wings then.
  14. Good luck with the wedding arrangements Davey. Northumberland is great ain't it? at least once you're out on the back roads a mile or two from home. Cod fishing out in the rib has been pretty poor this year which is odd (but forester is a great towcar on soft stuff), so have filled in our weekends with other things- forester for the camping trailer the other week, Impreza (only a GX ) is good for the odd run over to SW Scotland or early morning run out on the slow bendy roads.
  15. You mean your wedding or someone else's? If it's yours you won't ever be "back to normal again". Just kidding, been married 31 years now !
  16. Is Don the only one "at the top " these days? Very quiet but that guy is a marvel.
  17. Agreed, that's 4
  18. Also lift the spare wheel cover and have a look at the 2 nuts ( think they were 14mm) inside, towards the tp on the rear panel when the boot is opened, just above the wheel well, from the bolts that come through for the back bumper, mine we're just a tad loose and letting water into the wheel well. Can send a photo tomoro. The lights unbolt easily if it's them and a bit silicon on the gasket should fix it.
  19. Cheers, didn't sound like a real product name, but there you go. Worth knowing about, thanks.
  20. "barry gave me the details for uncle pooters " So let us in on the secret formula - what is uncle pooters? Is this a predictive text correction that's really meant to be something else, or is it some scottish term for " something sounds like uncle" powders?
  21. See march 7th last year under general subaru topics, was covered well there. Not sure how to cut/ paste the info into here though: Mark Harris posted this in the thread: I won't comment on the basics of turbochargers in case you don't know how to suck eggs, but the compressor pull air through and if you get a blockage, you get back pressure developing which stalls the compresor increasing the drag just at the point where the drive force of exhaust gas decreases rapidly. As you lift off the throttle the turbo can go from 50,000rpm or more to 10,000rpm in an instant due to this, and for this reason dump valves are fitted to relieve the back pressure and the turbo then slows much more slowly. It doesn't matter if they are the standard re-circulating type or the noisy Chav variety, both work the same. The drive from the exhaust has still ceased and the turbo still slows a lot. Once you go back on the gas the flow to the turbine comes back and it will accelerate. The purpose of the anti-lag is simple. By over fuelling on the overrun, the neat fuel is injected very late in the cycle as the exhaust valve is open and it will ignite and burn out of the engine increasing pressure on the turbine inlet. Hence the flame and baap! sounds. It doesn't do the fuel economy much good, neither does it lend itself to long life exhaust valves and seats either. Let's just assume you've de-catted already, because Anti-lag will do it for you in quick order if you haven't! Fine on a Rally engine, just a bit silly for a road car... 0 Mark Isle of Man
  22. It's on bbc I player now as well.
  23. If you are, or know, a Costco member and have one of these warehouses nearby, they do 20 litre drums of Chevron 5w 30 synthetic for just over 40 quid. Worth looking at if you change oil regularly and would be happy with the 5w30.
  24. I would always recommend buying a big tin of black waxoyl, getting either end of car up on ramps and going over all protruding bolts, nuts, arms, dampers, seams, brackets and edges ( like wheel arch edges and under the rear bumper etc) with heated waxoyl and an old paintbrush. Also definitely front lower arms beams and cross members and sump. Do it yourself, put it on thinly but regular like once a year at least, and it doesn't half keep the surface rust away. The pressure spray equipment for waxoyl can be used for inside box sections and beams etc but to be honest I don't think there's many hollow sections at risk on imprezas, most appear sealed up well. Personally believe the regular DIY approach with waxoyl although messy, is as good if not better than a professional " underseal"
  25. Thoughts out to the folks involved, hope all turns out ok, that's the most important thing, and then as an afterthought it's not good press for rallying or scoobs is it?
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