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Everything posted by smallcatalunya

  1. to be honest i think alot of cars are becoming hard to sell all people want to do just now is swap which is no good if you need the cash ofcourse and certainly insurance premiums aint helping concidering they've risen on average of about 30% rediculious
  2. i think you need one of those bonnet melting turbo's to have a BIG BOV dump valve obviously that big it needs to vent out twice lol
  3. its not just a BIG dump valve its a BIG BOV dumpvalve lol
  4. type r's have 2doors dont they?
  5. gutted
  6. i feel royalties are worth it as its a most bodacious word lol
  7. word of the week "bastage" i feel i may borrow this one lol
  8. is it just possible its too tight or maybe just stuck due to icy conditions?
  9. yeah i admit a maybe come out of most corners sideways on purpose but never when theres anyone/thing about as snow/ice is too unpredictable seen a few on the roads losing control already the worst ones are the ones that come off clear roads onto icy side roads and dont slow down and understeer right into the curb or sadly whatever is blocking its path
  10. im sure someone with more knowledge will help soon but when i get a car i always just check the obvious ones like the sills, make sure theres not yellowish gunge under the oil cap and stuff and always test drive it so you can here any knocks and bangs plus that allows you to check the clutch and gears also im not sure if theres any common faults with non turbos or turbos but as i say im sure someone will have better knowledge good luck buddy
  11. what you going to look at? the more detail te better perhaps someone here will know it or know off it
  12. thats the thing it didnt even make a faint sound first well actually it did have a pin hole at the bottom of the headers but if thats what blew out i will be very surprised but you never know it was very small though was almost silent could only hear it when in close quarers but only faintly but yeah that day it went from quiet to full on tracter in the blink of an eye not even under boost or anything was quiet then i slowed down and when i took of slowly boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. i wont know till i get the car on the ramps but the garage is closed till the weather settles as its a complete white out up here im hoping its just the gasket blew out also it was just so sudden i was only drivin for about 2 minutes then stopped at a junction then gingerly pulled off in first and wham the car sounded like a tank!!!!!!!!!! crazy
  14. yeah my exhaust note has certainly changed my bloody exhaust has exploded somewhere near the manifold and it sounds like a tank not bloomin happy can only asseme its something to do withe the rapid heat change and stainless headers!!!!!!!!!
  15. i think my speedo's screwed i was sitting still earlier and it said i was doing 40mph................lol i love the snow and yes car seems a bit more vibrant with the icey cold air
  16. thanks
  17. an old fellow zxclub member who built a vh45de engine and modded it and slammed it in his 300zx what do you think
  18. slightly off topic here lol but how did you get 280bhp from your turbo 2000?
  19. 1: ant84, didcot, subaru impreza 94 wagon gl in white 2: Big 'D', Carterton, 97' Subaru Impreza WRX Sti (White Noise) 3: Myles, Carterton, 02 Subaru Impreza WRX in Deep Blue Mica 4: stum450n, Witney, 54 Subaru Impreza GX Sport, Crystal Grey 5:andysti78, Didcot, 98 Subaru Impreza STI in white 6:andyjudge, Thatcham (Berks), 99 Impreza UK Turbo 2000 in Green 7:WhisperUK ( Andy C ) Oxford 1998 Turbo 2000 ( 245 bhp at the moment and getting there ) 8:Matty WRX - 2001 WRX Bugeye - Dark Blue, Dark Rims 9:Smiley Kylie - Didcot area every day for work - MY96 DBP sport and MY97 DBM sport 10. Vimmy, Carterton, 98 Subaru Impreza UK Turbo 2000 wagon in reddish blue 11. bex sti classic in black gloucestershire 12. Edmondo / SP - Swindon - 95 Jap WRX - Blueish with a few Graphics 13. adam and classic sti in wr1 blue from didcot 14. Bockett - Bucks- Bugeye STi (Silly Wheels ) 15. Michael Jenkins - Nr. Didcot - Subaru Impreza P1 #0488/1000 - TOTALLY STANDARD! 33k miles ;-) 16. Steven6118 - carterton / Lechlade - Impreza P1 #0854/1000 (P1 4SBO ) 17. Babydave112-didcot- impreza classic- green (s15ubs) 18. Myles -Carterton-Impreza Bug WRX-Dark Blue Mica-nail 19. Bakerzone <> Oxford <> 05 <> Impreza WRX <> Black 20. shwrx - Reading- Work in Abingdon- 2003 Blob Eye WRX 21. Mr_sounds = Lee - now wantage was Didcot - wr blue 2001 impreza wrx uk300 22: bigfootjim thatcham SOON TO BE BACK IN BOTLEY -steel blue sti 5 wagon 23. Smallcatalunya=paul arbroath my98 (facelift) turbo 2000 sonic blue yellow rally graphics
  20. looks a beast though
  21. im sure mike from M & D Performance in fife said he can supply and fit an exedy clutch for around £280 dunno if thats good but i know it cost me £670 for my supra from checkpoint garage lol
  22. my mates neighbour has a V12 badge on his diesel astra lol will try to get a pic
  23. hope its not one of these bloody scam things again someone had pics of my car up for sale once on gumtree when i stil had it i was well confused and got it removed from gumtree
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