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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. Sorry to interrupt, but I can't read any of your posts 5t, that avatar hurts my eyes. It could cause a seizure if anyone had epilepsy.
  2. welcome to SIDC mate! Nice choice in motor you picked! Yeah, the 2008 model sucks, I agree
  3. someone's nicked your carpets Paul Looking very good mate!
  4. This has been kicking around for a while Craig. You think? What other goods do buyers control? Milk? Shoes? We control nothing. As long as we need stuff, we'll pay for it. Please don't send it, I/we get enough spam/pyramid emails as it is.
  5. nope, never heard of it. Any good?
  6. John, I'm sure you posted a while back something like "Why would anyone want to mod an impreza" did you not You're some man
  7. joking mate It's a very tidy example you have there, looks very clean indeed! There's only one problem, 240bph at the rear wheels, winter coming up, snow, ermmm..... Take care out there
  8. I need a haircut, when are you free?
  9. nope, wasn't me. I don't know where North Breakwater is (is that near Brokeback Mountain?) I have an STi, but it's not a V5/6 I don't think. Mine's is black and has lights like a hawk. I don't have an SIDC sticker, although I used to (before I decided that I hate all stickers on my car) Sitting opposite Seawell, ermm, where's that?
  10. I remember being amazed by him as a kid, amazing stuff and a complete lunatic! Rest in peace man.
  11. a quickie from me, threw some teins on there too sexy wheels mate, I likey!
  12. so where did you get yours Andy
  13. We need petrol ok, give up the car or stop complaining. £1.10 at the one just outside the airport in Edinburgh, bargain, still cheaper than the equivalent in bottled water
  14. the hawkeye sti has red lights too. Not sure if they'll fit though, I only lift my bonnet to check that the engine thing is still there, not very technical when it comes to cars
  15. hey Alan, hows tricks? How did the move go? I hope you are all well
  16. thanks Scott! What you need: 1 dark night 1 tripod 1 camera 1 shutter release cable or remote (timer will do) Stick camera to ISO100, f(the higher the better), shutter speed 30 seconds and push the go button edited to say, I managed to get that cd after all, but many thanks for the offer (feel free to pop around anyway, I'm off on holiday until monday)!
  17. cool, thanks everyone (especially Gav )
  18. Hello, I've got a couple of tiny scrapes on one of my wheels and was looking to touch this up myself (it's not chipped, just a scrape). Can you buy a very small tub/can of paint for wheels from Subaru? They are gold and it's a 56 plate sti with standard rims if this helps. Any help would be fandabytastic Neil.
  19. Thanks for the offer Andy! I spoke to my darling wife and she has offered to tell Santa that I have been a really good boy this year, so hopefully will get one p.s. had another play at 30 second exposures tonight, spooky (clicky to view on black) no filters or photoshop on these, just resized for flickr. good fun this, got some plans with the car tomorrow night, stay tuned
  20. COD, I uploaded the other one again and could only find one other half decent shot. Clicky for the full size originals. Cheers, Neil.
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