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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. sounds about right. I got 3 points and £60 fine a few years back for parking in edinburgh, mind you, I was parked on a pedestrian crossing
  2. thanks for the welcome guys! look forward to receiving my pack. How long does it take to come? I just ordered it tonight via the shop..
  3. what a tool, had to be an amercian...
  4. Hi people, Just bought my SIDC membership I have only been a member of sidc.co.uk for a couple of weeks now, but quite enjoy it here. There's some good banter. A wee bit about me: I have had Impreza Turbo's for around 5 years now, and love them to bits. I am a self employed web designer specialising in web site accessibility/usability. I love music, gadgets, the internet, my wee cat, oh, and my wife I look forward to meeting you at the meets!
  5. is that just for the last thread about tractor drivers?
  6. everyone, relax and watch a little of The JCB Song
  7. just had a thought.. someone I know prints decals, I may design some SIDC decals and get him to print them in silver
  8. << is it the 3speed one my mate had one it was nuts >> it is , it's so fast that the guy in the shop wasn't going to sell it to me and i'm 35! (only because I only had an electric one before). When I got it home, I built it, took it down the nearest empty car park and within 10 minutes, flipped it about 10 times , cost me £60 to fix. wheels popped off and everything..
  9. << Paint it silver and put your own number plate on it! >> lol, I was going to paint it silver but Marionville Models were sold out today anyway, I'm getting a black 2006 sti in february, so it should match then (if it lasts that long)
  10. Ok guys, I know it's not a real car, Since it's christmas, I thought I would get my little Schumacher a new shell and wheels. But after spraying the shell today I can't decide if I should add the decals or not. It would basically look like this (but black of course): What do you recon?
  11. no problem! I'll test the img thing here for a sec
  12. nice one! Wife's are uselful eh I got my current scoobie from my wife for xmas 2 years ago, and I got her a dishwahser Easily pleased. Anyway, back to the tints here's a linkypoo to see how your machine will look Tasty...
  13. scoobies seem pretty popular around the central belt Nice map!
  14. << i remember watching sky news a wee while back and found it pretty shocking that only 1 out of 5 americans have a passport!! >> are you sure it wasn't 1 out of 5 americans have a brain?
  15. how did the majority of americans manage to be born without brains?? I have always said that I am sure their water supply is laced with LSD or something.
  16. ouch, some good stories here. I have had a think about my original and have decided that might not be my most embarrasing My most embarrasing update 14 years ago, got a Ford Escort XR3i from my Dad for my birthday 5 weeks later ... Driving to meet a girlfriend along a windy country road, it's getting dark, I'm running late, so put the foot down a bit. I drive this road lots, so know the corners etc, but get to one, kinda mis-judge the grass verge at the side and clip it with my front passenger side wheel. I rolled the car two and a half times, knocked a farmers wall down, and hit an oncoming car (which i never realised, until I landed on my roof). I (and the oncoming driver) were a bit shaken and stirred, a few bruises and bumps here and there, but no serious injuries, phew. When the police came, they said I had to find my own way to my girlfriends, but offered me a lift to the local public telephone. My girlfriend worked in the local taxi office, so I called her, and said, "Hi, it's me.. Can I have a taxi please?, she was like, WTF?", lol, explaining to her was pretty embarrasing... here's some photos of my crashed car, and the gf smiling, so it was all good in the end.. Wrecked XR3i piccy 1 Wrecked XR3i piccy 2
  17. Not sure if this is a good idea to start a thread, but I'll start with mine. Almost three years ago, in my previous Impreza Turbo, driving from Deer Park petrol station about 2 miles from my home. Get to roundabout and this little white car was beginning to noise me up. "Just a standard little white car" I though, hmmm... Well, going round the roundabout, he was being a real pain in the ass, so I go to overtake him on the straight. red-lining, 3rd gear, doing ***mph (not very fast officer), I'm flying, well so I thought. I'm quite enjoying myself, good tunes on (pretty loud) Well, thats when my fun stops. Stick my car into 4th gear, get side by side with him and all I can hear is this noise, like thunder, coming from his puny little white car (bearing in mind that my car was not very quite flat out, and with the music pretty loud, I was thinking WTF? ) All of a sudden, he begins to disappear from my sight, to be honest , I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I quitely and calmly pull in from trying to overtake, and decide to slow down a bit and try and hide my shame. "How can this be? I spend a fortune on a pretty fast car, my wheels were probably worth more than his car", I though.. I found out later from someone who knows this guy, that the Vauxhall Corsa this dude was driving (very basic looking, didn't even have alloy wheels or even a spoiler) had a 2ltr Vauxhall Calibra Turbo engine in it, with lots and lots and lots of mods done to the engine, he is a specialist tuner or something... It was embarrasing, but always brings a smile to my mates faces, and mine, when I mention it. Whats yours? Don't say you don't have one, everyone must have at least one (unless you cant drive ofcourse )
  18. nice, you cant beat a little adrenaline to wake you up in the morning...
  19. aggree DanTerzo, I have always admired the Integrale, but they are pretty hard to find.. I chopped one recently for fun:
  20. << All still pretty good mate! The swift Gti's were fun wee cars for a 1300! I nearly bought one a few years back from a dealer in Stirling (no longer exist me thinks!?!) Gus >> Thanks mate, that swift was fun (and quicker than the Astra GSi)
  21. not had many cars 83 Escort XR3i (only lasted 5 weeks, rolled it) 91 Suzuki Swift 1.3gti 94 Astra 2.0 GSi 95 Impreza Turbo (UK) 03 Impreza WRX trading current scoobie in February for a new sti
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