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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. I use Scotyre in Broxburn, good guys up there
  2. scared Kinda new to this site and I will be meeting at least 14 of you dafties on Wednesday. 1) Spooks 2) Scooby Andy 3) Gus 4) Uk300_impreza & Smartarse 5) Irish Al & Baby No 2 6) WRXMANIA 7) FastScooby 8) RubyTheScooby 9) ooster + wifey 10) fast-bits-chloe and her mate >> 11) spaceman and the priness (possably) 12) kart_man 13) Fraz 14) Gummyballs 15) 4hero edit: I'm crap with numbers
  3. Hi Chloe, When I first saw this thread you had 1 post I think, now 72? Is that just with replying to your fans on this thread Good luck with the scooby hunt. I cant help you much on advise with purchasing, but I would advise buying one Good luck!
  4. Auch Aye the noo, welcome to SIDC ya raj Oh, and good luck with the scoob hunting too old chap.
  5. good to put a face to names This is what I look like sometimes:
  6. It might not look good becuase of the colour I changed it to? Changing the colour to black is a nightmare to get right. Not too sure if I'm keen on black with white wheels though
  7. Looks a lot better, big defference
  8. Hi Dave, I couldn't get it looking good with the photos, but if you can give me ones at exactly the same angle as above then I'll have another go. In the meantime:
  9. << Try to think of it as a security option.............that way it doesn't seem so bad!! Dave >> I would love tints, but I'm saving my pennies just now for a 06 STi, just have no patience
  10. that looks very nice mate, like it very much. I must resist tints, I must resist tints
  11. nice, I'm biding my time until December for the PS3 . They do look good though.
  12. regardinng the firefox error, here it is: Forum Error An error has occurred. If you wish to notify the administrator please click here. To go back to the main forum page please click here. ERROR: An error occurred while evaluating the expression: FTVAR_WORD=caller.FTDIC_WORDS[attributes.wordid] Error near line 1, column 547. The element at position 8 in dimension 1 of object "caller.FTDIC_WORDS" cannot be found. The object has elements in positions 1 through 515. Please, modify the index expression. The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFSET), occupying document position (1:541) to (1:596). look forward to the new software
  13. mine is very slow, 2 meg bb and it still takes ages sometimes. Get lots of errors too in firefox and have to reload the page to get it to work. Thought of PHPBB admin?
  14. << The Genius Ayrton Senna Round Monaco Drift Crash Run Over by your own car >> Ouch, the 3rd one looked pretty sore
  15. nice links there Here are a few from me: Car related: Little roll in a scoob General Lee drifting Not car related: Super Monkey Ball (watch the episodes) Just plain wierd
  16. take care man, all the best for 2006.
  17. nice, like it lots Much better IMO.
  18. whoever colin is over on http://corsagsi.myfreeforum.org/index.php, stop using the images hosted on my server.
  19. Welcome mate, look forward to getting my membership through the door soon too. See you at knockhill
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