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About 05WRX

  1. It's nice up there. It's popular with low flying jets too.
  2. Kenny, does it have to be undercover? I have space in my driveway that you could use. How long would it be for roughly?
  3. Pricey but very good.
  4. Does that not belong to TPS SCOOB?
  5. Bloddy hell, a P1!! Glad you got the car you wanted.
  6. Think i saw you in Broughty Ferry earlier on this afternoon. I was in the blue blob parked up outside boots.
  7. Alright Chris, took ur advice mate and became a member, getting my gb270 wagon tomoz (delayed again)

  8. I think Rig Pig has some sort of code reader.
  9. Your selling the blob . You did so much to it. Good luck with the search for a classic.
  10. The car looks familer. Was it for sale on Litchfield Imports a while back? Putting out 400BHP if i remember correctly.
  11. Goodyear Eagle F1's. Can't fault them.
  12. £40.000 for that. Litchfield Imports have a Hawkeye Type 25 for half that price....and it's got 460BHP.
  13. He is a driving god!!!
  14. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=24762
  15. Just dreaming mate.
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