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Everything posted by Flathead

  1. Some of the guys at the garage have scramblers not Lloyd tho think he has a mini-moto in bits !
  2. Afternoon JD
  3. Morning all from a sunny Swindon
  4. Dunno what it is why you lost one ?
  5. Ok got that wrong only 21 that will go against you even more on the insurance front. Adrian Flux just rang for you told them your still in bed !
  6. All sorted on the insurance with saga £350 fully comp Lloyd being quoted up to £2500 on his 3rd party !
  7. Nice looking motor you got there Matty !
  8. Lloyd aka Dibble dropped his engine in today and all seems okay. Now the hard part insuring it as he is only 22 !
  9. Insurance on the scoob runs out tomorrow went on go compare best quote was saga, does this mean i'm getting old ?
  10. Evening all
  11. Thanks for that last year we had a club stand we were on any ideas as to if we are again ?
  12. Will let u know about that one thinking of selling my WW2 trucks and spending some money on my scoob or buying another !
  13. Where abouts does that take place then Bailey ?
  14. New forest one yeh think my two lads might come lloyd is fitting a new engine in his scoob this week so they may want to come. We have tons of camping gear from when we had the military landrover let us know a date when you have one.
  15. I'm about still when not dozing in the chair after a busy days print finishing !
  16. Went last year with some of you chaps will we be attending this year ?
  17. Should be ok for this
  18. Yeh evening all
  19. Not bad thanks
  20. Yeh not bad just cooking tea for me and the boys !
  21. Evening boss man !
  22. That makes you a Wiltshire not Oxon lad now then !
  23. Afternoon all
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