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Everything posted by Flathead

  1. Good on you both onwards and upwards methinks !
  2. Welcome back Iain been a while maybe get a meet at Lechlade organised now the nights are drawing out !
  3. Nice motor you got there in the end !
  4. Congratulations Bailey hopefully this will put the Swindon area back on the map !
  5. Took me a while to master this i used to get the kids to do it for me !
  6. Join something like photobucket upload your pics onto there site and take the url so you can post your pics up here.
  7. Hi and welcome to SIDC
  8. He has this week off work but going in as normal to work on his scoob and fit the new engine.
  9. Yeh not bad relaxing with a few cans, my youngest hopes to have his scoob sorted this week and on the road if he can get insurance on it !
  10. Hello
  11. Afternoon Bailey
  12. Morning !
  13. Might have a skateboard tucked away somewhere !
  14. Nowt going to be sorted while all this is going on in the middle east i reckon !
  15. They need to get fuel prices down not just for us scooby owners, it must be killing hauliers and the like !
  16. Spose we all need to make sacrifices one of the lads at my work was made redundant yesterday, guess we all need to keep our finances in check.
  17. We will have to try and have a Swindon meet now the nights are drawing out !
  18. Third can of special brew for me you not on the jack daniels tonight then ?
  19. Not bad you ?
  20. As Dixon of Dock Green said " Evening All "
  21. Hi Julian and welcome to SIDC
  22. Nice motor and welcome to the forum !
  23. "Its life Jim but not as we know it !" Morning all
  24. Speak soon !
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