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Everything posted by Flathead

  1. My lads a mechanic and we have had it up on the ramp and all seems ok till it warms up then the steering left or right gets clunky and you can feel it up the column. Hows your dog now ?
  2. Its great on short journeys but when given a good run turning gets clunky driveshafts seem ok tho.
  3. Few probs with it but getting there !
  4. Wow theres life on here yet !
  5. Guess Nightprowlers keeping busy up at the hospital as it can't get any deader on this chat thread from peoples in Swindon. Seems this chat thread is being propped up by the Oxford crew.Is there anybody out there ?????
  6. Prob a good idea to mask the reg Stu one Wam is enough, it lived on the square in Aston before going upmarket and moving back to Swindon !
  7. Heres some more ! A link to the website www.witney.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=653 · Cached page I have met that Blue Subaru coming off the A40 slip road towards Witney. He was up this other cars back side flashing his lights and honking his horn and while over taking him on the slip road he tried to run this other car off the road. Frightened me to death, thought he wanted to kill this other driver. So you have been warned stay well away from W*** WAM dark blue Subaru. I heard that the driver comes from Bampton area.
  8. Found this on a old Witney forum looks like my scoob used to be a bit naughty around the Witney/Bampton area in 2006 This is really a name and shame. W*** WAM dark blue Subaru with really naff gold wheels drove straight into the disabled parking bay in Bampton square yesterday. There were other spaces available. My husband challenged (in a light-hearted way) the obviously 100% fit young thing that got out but she just brushed past and ignored him. All I can say is that she has her hair in a pony-tail and we all know what's underneath a pony-tail......
  9. Top meet that was two cars and three people !
  10. Heres my UK spec turbo 2000
  11. Hi my rear caliper is sticking on my MY00 turbo Friday night the guys at the Swindon scoob meet heard me coming from a long way off. Rather than strip it all down i thought i'd get a secondhand one if anybody has one ?
  12. Don't suppose anyone does tree removal ?
  13. Can anyone else confirm this is Ed or am i going mad ?
  14. Bloomin loads of bikes going through Bibury in Glos last night was this owt to do with it ?
  15. The adver says it was taken in the Legends lounge at Swindon Town and Ed has been to watch the footie there before, so i guessed it was him and Jacqui if its not they must be impersonators !
  16. I wish i could take the credit for me being the one on the right Ed but i will let the viewers decide !
  17. I think Ed had a audition for the next series of the soprano's later on in the day !
  18. Ed's a bit quiet maybe he is going around buying up all the advers and is having a big bonfire to try and stop this pic turning up on the forum !
  19. A pic from todays adver of guess who ?
  20. Great news mate congratulations !
  21. Was me prob got it in my head you lived at Conan Doyle felt a right plum i will get it right next time doh !
  22. Won't make this one Ed bit early for me !
  23. Hi Ed will pop those progs round over the weekend know what street but what number are you ?
  24. No probs Ed will pop em round if you pm me your address
  25. Still got a couple of the playoff progs from the Swindon leg that we printed at work if anyone wants em !
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