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Posts posted by ciaranrb5

  1. white car was my old 306 rallye Glyn - now that was a PROPER hatch :P

    lol actually saw the rallye recently all fixed it. It needed a fair bit of work when I got rid it was just too dam slow :rolleyes:

  2. Ah... just me being colour blind then.

    Yeah - sell a CDB and hire a cleaner ya lazy ****! *lol*

    Is the white scoob sick again?

    A wee bit sick not making full boost due to a slight missfire :rolleyes:

    And the brakes are shot

  3. I would go for a GT 30/40 thats what i had on my 2.5 block and was very good spool ... ask Andy F what he recomends.. I think stevie whitson still has my Graphs on that turbo ?? hope that helps soz i never got to take you out mate in the WL im home in July and i promise i will give you a hurl if its not away by then need to get my finger out and advertise it properly ..just not enough hours in the day ... at the moment

    As im in the sand pit with temps as high as 48 degrees so hot ...

    Thats not standard position though. GT30/40 requires rotated setup.

    Best figures I have heard are from the MD321V.

    If you were to go rotated they sky is the limit although I belive your next from may be the 2.5 block

  4. I'm sure that a guy over on 22b was recently in Jap Performance or a similar mag. Sure he's running a ej257 that's been pinned and running around 600bhp. Should be plenty reading on 22b maybe.


    Daz's car that was featured in JP has relinered CDB with capacity increased to 2.5.

    Peter Fai 17 on here had his 2.5 pinned though may be worth asking him.

    I also know zen performance ran a pinned 2.5 as well so you could always e-mail Paul.

    Other option is im sure Steve at SW motorsport in Edinburgh could sort it for you.

  5. :icon_fU: cheeky bugger !! You should be getting charged more from your insurance company, purely cos your scoob hasnt seen a bucket and a sponge in a long long time... :icon_joker:

    Admiral multicar for the scoob is something like £430, the rest is for the Audi, £300.

    Harsh but as I say......made for go not for show. The new runabout will be getting washed a little more though ;)

  6. a gearset? well aye, thats a fairly important part.. even I know that.

    you car is going to be the perfect scooby by the sounds of things. :thumbup::thumbup:

    Hugely important everything done 120% save it breaking. Will be happy with a reliable 454bhp/tonne :)

  7. Thats one of the bonuses about a mapping session with Andy its also like a health check of your engine and sensors plus the remap.

    Have to agree last time I went to get my car mapped he fixed my idle issue before we even went out.

    Drive home is always enjoyable just make sure you have plenty fuel :D

  8. Scoobyworld are quick too, Walbro 255 ltr p/h was cheapish. Pig to change on mine tho, lol. Should have taken the seat out tbh. You live and learn.

    That would have made life about 10 times easier. I changed mine in 20 mins.

    Always worries me an electrical item being in a fuel tank :tumbleweed:

    Try RA motorsport, AWD somebody will have one lying about im sure.

  9. Good weekend, learnt plenty about my car and my own limitations!! seems to be mainly bottle or lack of it and self preservation. Car was brilliant even on crap tyres and standard everything else. A few of you asked whether I would modify anything but after further discussion the argument about diminishing returns sounded very sensible.

    Now the dust has settled (literally) I may well be looking at a wee tinker and am wanting some advise;

    car is currently '05 WRX PPP with Godspeed brake upgrade. If tuning to "stage one" ie cheaper quick gains how does a panel filter and I think decat downpipe sound?

    Was advised over the weekend about loads of options and am grateful to all for that, they ranged from braided brake lines to just buy an STI.

    Any thought folks, not too technical for me please.

    If I was to start again the first thing I would do is improve the brakes and handling before touching the engine. A VF35 from an sti and a partial decat and a panel filter and then re-map should see you with 300+ and improved MPG and still MOT friendly :)

  10. well thats it over for another year :( but what a weekend, awesome weather, amazing roads and fantastic company - huge huge thanks to everyone who came along and made it such a great event, without you guys banter it just wouldnt happen :icon_joker:

    well done to all the new faces for surving to the end too!

    so far awards go to ciaran for first breakdown, joint award for first heart stopping overtake moment to del and ciaran, biggest moment of the weekend to Glyn and also tryer of the weekend for being a front runner in the legacy and special mention to Brian for hood ornament of the weekend with a vfr http://forums.sidc.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/rotfl.gif

    Breakdown???? A lack of boost for 20 miles or so mearly slowed me slightly and then it fixed itself :)

    Had a superb weekend covered 680 miles

    which works out as 14mpg average :rotfl:

    Thankyou to everybody who helped organise everything and if you require any help with organising next years just give me a shout I would be glad to help.

    As for Brian well what can we say realy SCOOBIES 1 BIKERS 0

    Just uploading pics now :)

  11. Just wondering i need shell as the car only runs vpower and methanol and other stuff, got plenty of methanol on board what's the score with vpower soz if this question has been raised already ?

    I require Shell as well but it may no be available so what you can do is just add 1 bottle of octane booster 2 97 ron and it raises the octane to 99 :)

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