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m@tt untimate STImulation

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Everything posted by m@tt untimate STImulation

  1. no probs thats what this sites about
  2. it does do that i can hear a hissing must be the hose
  3. anyone (The SIDC Muppet-O-Tron has corrected your lazy use of the English language. Please use English and not text talk on thes got a spare need to find out if its my hoses or guage thats not working
  4. i just gunna keep being a muppit lol
  5. im using a ps2 controler need to get akey boad plus im dislexic and wen i miss spell something calls me a muppit (NICE)
  6. want to know safe standard boost
  7. hes bit faster than his dad, only recently tho.
  8. either the rs200 or the fiesta cosworth liam doran hes won every race this season
  9. rite had an update the orings are crackered so are the piston rings and the crank is not looking good and the water jacket is cracked so lots more time with no car.
  10. need to get my car looked at when its back bd engeneering in newington is the closest to me and most convenient. any one experienced the service there??? and any 1 konw how much they charge an hr?? need to have my fuling evaluated and my actuator calabrated.
  11. IVE BEEN TOLD gunna get it all done trying to find out how much money i need to find to sort it im talking to simon now
  12. wil do when i get the car back. next week cheerz
  13. ive got a wrx with a ej25 block can i get my ecu remapped ?? its a 1995car but has had an engine transplant so who knows what ecu is on it. are later ecu's compatable? not looking 4 more power just want the fuling to be correct.
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