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m@tt untimate STImulation

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Everything posted by m@tt untimate STImulation

  1. anyone have the above send me a pic and a price to matt_jordan101@hotmail.com
  2. plans are forming and things are making progress the engine builder had agreed to supply the new block with a continuation of the warentee, its been arangeed for the fitting and re-fitting of the engine and Jolly green monster has sorted me with a remap when all it ready only a week on tuesday and i should know whats what and begin running in again (boring)
  3. my boss treated me ;-)
  4. i hope to get it all sorted im not giving up! thanks for every1s supports if anyone wins the lottery i could do with a block wink
  5. no worries simon at least i know. well went on the rollers for about all of 5mins lol on over-run its making a noise JGM passed me the headphones so i could hear it for myself sure enuf a tappin when lifting the throttle! so it mabe the big end bearing on its way out! cant believe it on a new short engine. obviously i didnt get what i paid for but am in the proses of getting it sorted the company seem to be happy to sort it, covered by warentee so... but alot of time has been wasted and more to come plus the cost of swaping the block out for a new 1 :-( so not the result i was going for. but thank you simon for pointing it out so i can get it sorted out, still had a good day watching the other cars and getting taken for a ride in a faster 1 than mine. hope to get it sorted asap and start the long running in procedure again. Once again i thort it was all sorted and it wasent i wondeder how much its going to cost me this time :-(
  6. getting a re-map with JGM had a running in map for 2k miles all seems good so far power map 2mo at surry rolling road again with simon wish me luck people. all going well tomorow bring on the 4pots and whitling goodies and tien springs. running a sti block and the standard td05 turbo tomorow and ofcorse V-power. will keep you updated
  7. finaly som1 spotted me its my first scooby m414rt* :-) dont think i saw you (finaly proof i actualy own a scooby)
  8. hope all goes well geting it sorted. i know this dosent help but cud be worsemabe an excuse for a carbon bonnet?
  9. bet you feel like a pro now shep. soz to hear theat they givin you sick pay??/
  10. very nice got your baby back ;-) all shinyyou would never know it happened. credit to you for taking it easy on the lad. very nice of you to take into accounty how much we have to pay for insurance. i may be young but i know how to use my mirrors tho
  11. got it the restrictor goes in the bottom hose to the airbox and i need a 1.2mm pill cheers
  12. i have a 3port. the top hose goes to the turbo, the middle to the actuator and the one on the very bottom vents to air. question do i need a restrictor and wich pipe does it go inside. some people say the top to the compressor others the bottom to the air??? prop heard this 100 times
  13. your a full member you dont see it. imthinking of singing up so i dont have to see it
  14. sounds very nice i know the feeling of slow when you drive something much faster than you own "fast car" the drive home is so disapointing.so basicly your car is what i imagened an impreza was like when i was 10. sounds like alot of time and effort has paid off
  15. impreza manual box and once your in the boost keep it there and the games over for the legacy, wont be too far behinde i think 0-80 the impreza will have a cars length on the legacy. will await results (bias ;-))
  16. im nim not to sure but that sounds very dear to my (dont mean to cause you a sweat) but think you can get a refirbished one for a better price than that. just sounds steep but im not an expert and havent replaced one yet
  17. im not reay likeing the google adds, this site was a pure subaru site and local comunity the one on the kent scoobys page isnt to bad (annoying when you get a PM) but can live with that but the googlebot add on every post comeon scoobynet hasent even gone that far however is its vital to keep the club alive then some SIDC is better than none. IMO i dont realy like it though
  18. september + bbq sounds chilly but up for it :-) (i hate the googlebot) there are funds for the club and then a pain in the bum
  19. just stick to it .im just commoing out of a sh*tstoorm that my cars put me through. you will get there and when it comes out of the body shop gleaming you will have a big smile on your face :-) credit to you for doing it the hard way with secondhand parts, as a "young" driver i know what our premiums are like
  20. thats unluck m8. good of you not to cain the lads insurance though. hope it goes well trying to find the bits
  21. nice heard about you power cant remem what the figure was. its hard waiting for a car to unleash its potential bet it feels like it never left home tho :-)
  22. had a look the tee off and the inlet look right but im sure mine has a part that bolts to the I.C unless it is amatter of a jubalee (spell :-(. ) im not sure if mine has a hard pipe do they all??
  23. what are you planning 4???
  24. thanks for the info think im going to have dean's if its the correct one.
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