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m@tt untimate STImulation

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Everything posted by m@tt untimate STImulation

  1. its blue that the only thing im trying to keep everything in the bay looking reasnably standard i may be getting 1 from ebay with an intercooler if not then i will take deani offer its a good offer but would prefer a black one. ( BEGGERS CANT BE CHOOSERS lol)
  2. same for me with my questions. always feel the car is in safe hands with craig
  3. spoke to them gunna have to wait and get some money together
  4. may be me but there dosent seem to be a refirb kit for perchase as i am willing to do it myself (never done before) but got to learn
  5. Had a viset from simon (JGM) today verry pleased with the running in map that he produced, very profesional and trust worthey. right i have just got some 4pots want to know where i can get the bits to refirb them before they go on the car, any ideas thanks
  6. if anyone has the above for a slanted intercooler please let me know.from turbo to intercooler with t-off for dump valve (Pre facelift) thanks people
  7. took the car into kentperformance to have the car sorted. rockercover gasket and coolent temp sensor canged ACE job verry happy. All is ready for JGM monday :-) will be back on the road. you may even get to see my so far imagenery car at the next meet
  8. just have to get this crap out of my brain and on the net lol
  9. thank you for the advise ive just got back from work @10.14 started at 7 what a day atm theings are 5hit for me but looking foward to monday remap! so hope that goes well i will make them have it and not pay a penny!!!
  10. mines been not right for 6months lol its all coming together atm tho. soon.... but it never seems to end
  11. welcome if you havent tryed already go on scoobynet and look in the market section ther is always someone breaking a scoob
  12. nice one with the car m8 i can see the light at the end of the tunnel finishing my nightmare.
  13. right a fue of you know ive been having probs wid the car the end is in sight for that. so.. thats left me in the unique situation of low funds, yey. so im at colleage 1day a week doing plubmbing i go to leave coleage and ive got a parking ticket from some indipendent ticket company (co*ks), i have a valid permit that was on display on my dash. the fine came through and showed a pic of my windscreen when the permit was displayed on the dash. i appealed and they sent a letter back explaining no you have to pay £40.00 fine. ive written back asking them to provide sufficient proof! as if the day cant get worse i was short changed at the cash machine in strood nationwide by £40 quid, is this a sign the (£40) keeps reappering so currently the bank are trying to sort that out, so im £40 down and some Co*ks i mean traffic company are trying to get another £40 out of me. i h8 people taking the michel. tillle frustrated i am probably one of the unluckyest people i know when it comes to money. (gay) not impressed they dont even have an office you can complain at
  14. cats u sad sad man hws it goin
  15. the car wont like it and get moody
  16. cant wait only another month and i can :-)
  17. does this mean no more tunnle run :-( if so how homosexual is that! i think if the goverment are gunna keep taking our freedom from the public roads then they shoul atleast make free track time available
  18. i have notices the bars that the specs attatch to have gone up nothing on them yet hope they arnt specs. they are taking away all the fun in driving
  19. imim looking at somthing that can stop me as fast as possible but also last as long as possible the red stuff looks like the obv. choice but they are the only 1's i know. are there better pads will be mainly road but want them to be the best i like the front of my car :-)
  20. 4pot classic.what pads do i go for?? what will stop me the best? prices? cheers
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