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m@tt untimate STImulation

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Everything posted by m@tt untimate STImulation

  1. it bein unlucky and the bloke i got it from must have abused it plus its got a 2.5 block so runnin more power than the gearbox is built for i think im defo gunna turn the boost down when its all done.
  2. thanks for the help, need it !!! gunna try and find out the codes. anyone (The SIDC Muppet-O-Tron has corrected your lazy use of the English language. Please use English and not text talk on thes kno were i can get the ratios from
  3. this is the description of the box im terying to buy. Fresh Built Gearbox Ty252 Casing, ty254 internals (stronger uk gear set) Options Track this topic As above 252 casing with fresh rebuilt uk gear set and and all set up by Kenny Brown who does race cars just ask John ST Bough the box from Arch to repair my type ra but just sold that so box for sale not even been fitted to car yet £300 Any questions please ask and am sure arch or John will help me answer Should be a pretty strong gearbox and must be cheaper than a rebuild on yours comes with centre diff too greig can pallet to you anywhere in uk at your cost around 50-70 quid id think
  4. its comes with a center diff will that make it all work??? mine is a 1995 and its from a 1996
  5. how do i get the ratio of my rear axel spaceman is selling 1 im looking to buy that £300 plus delivery. is that about right
  6. its killing me i only earn £200 aweek as an aprentice its becoming a real isue
  7. i need a new gear box as soon as posible. any one got a working 1 reconditioned would be the best option or know some 1 or some were i can get 1 chepish. 1st head gasket now this i need help!!!!
  8. anyway i get the car back tomorow. they think it was just abit of residue in the oil and that i over reacted, aparently its going to take a couple of oil changes to get the remainder out. (admitidly it was a small amount) they have found the coolent hose to the turbo has been leaking causing my coolent to run low hence the higher than normal running temperature. does this sound like a reasnable explanation. i will find out soonm in my own time. so hopefuly i have a scoob that runs now. (correct english for all of the elder members)
  9. yh piggy back it but just gota find the wier i think i just vac hose it up and then deal wid the wiering wen i see some1 elses. i want my car back!
  10. i only want it 2 come on wid the lights tho
  11. me 2 got a hks 1, think i can manage a vac hose just not 2 sure on where to get the power for the back light form.
  12. i cant go wen i get car back wanna make sure it running rite b4 i get stranded somewere im totaly gutted i cant go
  13. i am hopin its the cooler, ive also got a boost guage to fit up when i get it back 2 make sure its runnin corect boost 0.8 bar??
  14. they r gunna sort it i suspect the oil cooler to. I saw the bloke 2day and he was good about it. they gunna run a fue tests and get it sorted. he seemed good for it. but if it does it again i am not gunna be happy will let update when i kno more.
  15. GOT CREAM! :-( (havin no luck with this car) its goin back to the garage to have it looked at again ive mentioned the oil cooler they are also guna test the head gasket so shud be intresting. dropping it in 2mo will update on how this goes.
  16. guna c @ the weekend whats what and if its cream gunna take it back n sort sumin. its drivin well atm. will update u all at the weekend
  17. just makin sure that if it does go again the garage have no excuses!! just got a bad feeling feel like ive got worse luch to come. i hope to go to this meet cumin up! it hasent changed much since u last saw it in the dark gaz lol i wann get 555 graphics done in black
  18. its obi the coolent mixing with the oil i have had the head gaskets replaced skimmed pressure tested the lot and paid big for it. is there any other way they can mix??????
  19. cheerz already been in an empty car park :-)
  20. got the car back agin so i will see how it goes this week hope all goes well
  21. bourne performance carried out the work the heads where skimmed and pressure tested they have done a proper job £1300 worth b4 V.A.T!!!!! no need for a rad cap cheerz for the offers ive sourced 1 and droped it off at the garage today so i guess im gunna be waiting for a phone call. they where quite happy to say bring it back to us and we will sort it so i am happy to give them a second chance. they r on thin ice tho. think next time i would use kent performance they seem to have a good name
  22. There once was a boy called matt hed dreamed of havin a scoob since 14 the day came at 20 when he bought his own classic, i was rappid he thort theres nothing better. then the coolent kept getting low and the oil went creamy (big problem) head gasket gone so £1300 later he gets it back Wednesday this week after being at the garage for two weeks all is well then last nite the coolent tank decided it would blow its cap off and throw steam everywer so back to the garage on monday It dosent seem like im gunna wake up, please tell me they r not like this all the time. anyone got a spare coolent tank cap it ergent! hope my car gets revived soon all i want it a well fast motor that i can reli on so far everyweek is a diffrent huge problem
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