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m@tt untimate STImulation

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Everything posted by m@tt untimate STImulation

  1. anyone got a pair of standard lights for a classic saloon? price?
  2. is it a sudden jerk/coff mainly in 4th and 5th?? or is it smooth decrease in power?
  3. I remember my saxo only last mounth i had a blue furio lowered and morettes not to much done to it, big change swapin to the impreza nice kit btw imagen that with a sti lump and 4wheel drive
  4. Hello im in maidstone
  5. if the car is overboosting what do i do with the ajusment on the actuator??
  6. it is ajustable but i think the bar is the wrong size as it will not extend to wher it needs to be, ive ordered a new 1 hot it works
  7. blue 05 plate wagon and silver classic graphiced up leaving bluewater 2day
  8. im gunna get another actuator as the bar does need to be pulled to get it on the pin and will not allow much movment so its gotta go i think
  9. lumpy boost, i think bif judders, ive been told that it may be the duty (boost) solinoid. its driving me nuts and to couple it off i had a forge actuator fitted and now the fule cut comes in at 5000rpm i just need 2 get a new actuator to sort this as the forge 1 does not allow the waste gate to open properly.
  10. im 20 aswel mine has a wrx engine with a 2.5 block bolted on, got boos issues atm tho, winding me up
  11. dont think i woz out last nyt woul of driven back from maidstone tho, it defo an td05 ive managed to read it, pain 2 c. is it a 16g then??
  12. its a td05 h but is it 16 or 18 g im trying to get the right actuator.
  13. bit trickey ther its an import with a engine transplant from a wrx its not a red top
  14. what turbo does my classic 1995 impreza have td04 or td05
  15. eureka, sounds right as i am having boost problems atm think need a new solinoid. wer you at brands a fue weeks back i was with a tvr and a radical saw the car in your pic i think tien on the back n black wheels looked nice
  16. eureka, sounds right as i am having boost problems atm think need a new solinoid. wer you at brands a fue weeks back i was with a tvr and a radical saw the car in your pic i think tien on the back n black wheels looked nice
  17. there is something CRAP BOOST letting me down can only use 1/2 power. jerks n pops n bangs
  18. Trying to find the best garage in kent. any 1 kno a reliable, trustworthy garage with experience with classic imprezas
  19. the green and black cabels are under the steering collum next to the steering linkage to the rack. 2 screws and two popers and the underside of the dash pops off. im new to the impreza world but had to do the same thing on sat to do a dig. check
  20. ive fitted a bailey dump valve to my 1995 wrx ive now taken it off as the car would not settle down to tickover it would go up and down by 500rpm anyone got any ideas on the cause of this
  21. fingers crossed no flames then lol woll draining the oil back to wer it shud b help
  22. guna be out tonite picin up the gf give me a thumbs up if ya c me
  23. cheerz i will try that i prob get a chance next weekend on sat, it wasent but ive loobed it up and gunna take it for a spin later to c whats what
  24. http://s375.photobucket.com/albums/oo193/m...=Picture001.jpg
  25. im the red m reg classic floating around
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