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mystery machine

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Posts posted by mystery machine

  1. Well not exactly sure what happened, but got a phonecall from the paintshop after it being there for over a fortnight saying they jump started it cos the battery was flat and i started to smoke badly after being left idling, so a quick phonecall to Grieves (with a week left on my warranty) got it up to them, discovered a scored piston etc. Cant thank them enough for getting the claim and the work done quickly otherwise i would have been up s##t creek without a paddle.


    Blimey, good timing :thumbup:

    Had your car been remapped at all?

  2. hi i used turlle wax,tyre shine £3.50 ebay,do about to coats per wheel.mate,

    I'll need to try that (been using Armor All Tyre Foam for years) B)

    FWIW, a set of side skirts and a de-tango would look really nice on your motor... JMHO.

  3. Good post, Grant.

    ...and many thanks for making me wish I'd looked at some M3s before buying the STI! ;):)

    To the O.P. - all the examples you mention will have their pros and cons as cars to own in Scotland, but - driving-wise - I think you'll only really have any kind of idea of what's going to work for you once you've come across here and gotten a feel for the kind of roads you're likely to be spending time on. If you're looking for attention (I'll assume of the female variety), then I'd suggest that a nice-looking German car will get the juices flowing more readily than a Scooby*... Audis in particular are very popular here with the "Ikea generation" :D

    * female members of the SIDC community excepted! :P

  4. The shortage is due to the high demand for the product
    You've got to love those PR folks. Shell somehow make a c*nt of supplying V-Power and they make it sound like it's out of stock because - hey - it's just such wonderfully in-demand and fabby stuff! :whistle:
    ... and issues within our supply chain that we are working to resolve.
    Ah, so supply and demand are inversely proportional? Who'd have thunk it? :rolleyes:
  5. Hi mate ,yes it's an add-on to your powerwasher lance and basically there's a plastic bottle with a nozzle/gun attachment that you put your wash solution in then top up with warm water and then as you use the lance the solution mixes with the water to produce the foam.It seems to lift all the surface dust etc off prior to washing with a mitt ,which can only be good for your paintwork.

    Have a look at Polishedbliss website for info/prices etc


    Thanks Tommo and everyone else for all the info on snowfoam :rolleyes:

    Sounds like I have me some shopping to do :whistle:

  6. Thats the closest to the truth on this thread, whats actually happening is the fuels now do not have an ethanol content but they are introducing E85, the problem arrises when they try to introduce the new fuels to existing tanks hence the requirement for cleaning.

    Its not the tanks that get cleaned its the fuel within the tanks to allow E85 be dropped without any water content issues.

    What they do is called fuel polishing whereby they drop a pot of diesel in an empty tank and use a process to clear all the water out the product,they then drop the new E85 grade fuels in the tanks.That is only the case if the tanks are steel, if they are GRP then they have to be re-lined as the E85 content can eat away at the GRP lining.

    If anybody wishes to see the full process of Fuel polishing drop me an e-mail to davidh@foxconstruction.co.uk and i will gladly send on the document on how its done.

    In the meantime i will drop a note to the guy that supplies all the fuel grades to us when we are commissioning up a petrol station after refurbishment to see what the true story is regarding V power?



    Cheers for the info Davie :D

    If this is right enough, then I wonder how the new V-Power will compare with Morrisons' E85, which has has a RON rating of around 107 - enough to require a remap if you usually run Regular or Super Unleaded.

    Hmmmmmm..... the thot plickens.....

  7. Pardon my ignorance, but how does one apply this snow foam...? I imagine it's inline with the power washer, but I'd be grateful if you could recommend me some suitable kit :D

    I've always power-hosed mine with cold water prior to hand-washing, but it takes a while to go over every inch of every panel removing superficial dirt - it sure could use some help floating off :P

    Many thanks.

    P.S. Still liking your hatch :P

  8. Rumours abound...

    Speaking to the woman in Shell Camelon this evening, she believed that the shortage was due to Shell bringing out a new formula for V-Power, and that the tanks have to be cleaned out before it's introduced, and that the new fuel will have a 'higher octane' and everything... :lol:

    All sounds very promising, but sort of contradicts the official response, which puts the shortage down to 'unforeseeable circumstances'. Perhaps there's some truth behind both stories, but that the alleged reformulation isn't actually the reason for the current situation.

    Hearsay aside - I hope that, together, we can make it through this most difficult of times B)

  9. oh, and tam, you're old fashioned :rotfl: you'll send yourself in a spin worrying about spelling on the internet dude. :)

    Och no, disnae worry me as such... just thought it was a bit conspicuous, given the Daily Mail-ish aloof "better than you lot" humour abundant in the advert :D

  10. :) I didnt think to ask in my travels how much they had left! Parked the Cat up until further notice........ bringing out the wagon ...tesco 99 with have to do

    I'm surprised you're not taking advantage of your two Scoobs and doing a bit of stockpiling there, Cath :D

    Incidentally, the rumour I read (browsing another forum) is that a 'leaking pipe' at the refinery caused them to have to temporarily cease production of Veep, and that they expect to be up and running again within days...

    Here's hoping...

  11. I pulled into an Edinburgh Shell station this afternoon and the V-Power pumps were still open.

    However, I didn't have the Scooby, so wished to enquire as to whether their stocks might be expected to last until tomorrow evening, at which time I might choose to replenish my supply. The conversation with the (I have to say quite polite) African woman behind the counter went something like this:

    Me: "Hi, I've come in to find out how much V-Power you have left."

    Cashier: "No."

    Me: "No - there's none left?"

    Cashier: "No, I don't understand."

    Me: "OK. The V-Power petrol - do you think you have enough to last until tomorrow evening?"

    Cashier: "No."

    Me: "You don't?"

    Cashier: "No, I just don't understand."

    Me (observing the lengthening queue behind): "Thank you! :) "

    So I'm hoping whatever they did have lasts until the morra night... :D

  12. Call me old-fashioned, but it drives me to distraction when someone breaks "your" when they should be giving it "you're" :D

    And he has the cheek to write an advert sending-up nae-users and hoodies? :)

    I feel obliged to refer him to "Primary 2: English for Windae Lickers" :rotfl:

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