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mystery machine

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Posts posted by mystery machine

  1. seeing the thing that was previously an inch off my bumper appplying the breaks bricking it and falling behind, just when it came to the tsraights if they i didnt have a big enough lead coming out of the corners , theyd catch up and over take , but id always be smilling that what they paid 3 or 4 times the pricefor their car jus got ripped apart in the bends by my wee car :)


    And it's nearly always a BMW TD or Audi TD!

  2. I don't mind a bit of good-natured banter, but I don't like anybody getting too close to me on any quarter, for any reason. Had a white classic tailgate me up a slip lane recently and then tear past within about three inches of the driver's side before the one-lane slip even joined the motorway. I might've been impressed if he hadn't driven like such a dork...

    On one of the better-natured occasions I had a black newage STI follow me down a twisty B-road. He kept a safe distance but we were both clearly putting in a bit of effort to keep the pace up. However, we had to call it a day after about three miles when we caught up with a fire engine that was sporting flashing lights and a wailing siren :tumbleweed: (no laws were broken, officer!).

    I honestly didn't buy the Scooby for competitive driving - the best times I have with it are on an empty A/B road. But I'm only human and, in a competitive sense, I actually find it's actually much more satisfying to pull away from drivers of more powerful cars on bendy roads when I'm in my wee 1.5 runabout - in that case it's more a measure of experience than the boost pressure of one's turbocharger :)

  3. Must admit Kenny, it's nice to hear about a bit of solidarity across the water - I was speaking to some folks from Arran scoobies lately, who said it'd be "a cold day" before they got together with the Jersey crew...


  4. lol remember a similar experience powersliding / trying too in my modded 1.2 corsa back in my youth on a long uphill right bend in the rain, result was me sliding off the road and smashing into a wall at 50mp

    Sounds like you found out the hard way why you can't powerslide a front-wheel drive car around a corner! 'Power-plough' straight on, perhaps... :blush:

    I can't talk - way back, I learned a tough lesson in my front-drive Cavalier about the perils of inducing lift-off oversteer on a wet roundabout... car was one wheel drive by the time I'd finished spinning around! :)

  5. It came off the road as the clutch was on its way out. We got it fixed just in time for the Highland Fling but couldn't go as it had ran out of tax, MOT and insurance, along with all our money being sucked into the new business :lol: But, alas, it is back and just as satisfying as before B). Of course, now it's insured under our motor trader's insurance so that made it easier to wrestle with the fact that is, after all, an expensive hobby! We only had to have it sail through the test and then stick a tax disc in it and we were good to go :P:D The feeling is great to be back in it after all those sad Mondeo months :D Roll on the next meet! ;):P

    Great stuff - a kind of 'second honeymoon', if you will :lol:

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