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Everything posted by zebedee

  1. Sorry to be the one to tell you this m8, but blue isn't fast everyone knows white is the fastest Seriously though, I know what you mean, a lot of Scooby drivers don't put there hands up, I think it is due to the new generation of Scooby driver, it seems to have lost it's "cult" status it used to have, just like the old mini's and beetle's..... Bring back the "Scobby Cult"
  2. 2.39am don't know what you call that! night shift sucks
  3. Get well soon m8, that bug is horrible
  4. Thanks m8, Tein coilovers with top camber mounts and front strut brace.
  5. All above suggestions sound good to me
  6. middle of the night to ya all.....
  7. When are you lot having a get together next? I will come along to the next one if it is at a weekend sometime.
  8. The justice system in this country seems to protect the guilty and punish the innocent....... Too many do-gooders and people spouting on about human rights. Since when should a criminal have any human rights? If you don't follow the rules then wave good bye to your human rights. As a few of you have said, cut the gits, job done!
  9. no worries, thanks m8
  10. that is crap m8, sorry to hear that. the reason they do it is because they have no conscience and aren't afraid of the law or the punishment as there wouldn't be any anyway. I ask myself how long do the law abiding general public have to put up with the total scum in this country? before the government or police get off there ass and change the laws over these scum bags. can we not just ship off these t**sers to the front line someone?
  11. thank you very much Scooby Princess. At least someone remembered, but I'm not going to go there
  12. No not in the Scoob, but might have to if the Alfa fails the MOT in the week lol.
  13. I travel that to work everyday
  14. Thanks Matt, There is a meet sometime near the end on January in Swindon (Friday 30th Jan, I think).
  15. Thanks Marc, Same goes for all the other motors on these pages.......
  16. Hi, Name: Rob Area: Bath Likes: Sandra Gal, Chocolate and fast cars. Dislikes: Lane Hogs, Sprouts. My car..........
  17. Thanks m8, and you and the others
  18. Then feel free to put m name down
  19. Is this meet open to all? It would be great to meet you all as I haven't done so yet. I will try to get there if it is open to all.
  20. u got that right m8, and the Weston to Brean road, now that is a twisty B road blast if there ever was one
  21. By the sounds of it that is best all round
  22. Generally you have your wheels stolen, I havent ever had any proposals
  23. Lock up ur sheep I spent most of my mis-spent youth there also, and Weston Super Mud, Radstock!! St Pauls is a safer place
  24. Yes... very strange part of the country Just outside Bath in a town called Midsomer Norton.
  25. Thanks m8. I'm sure a can manage a rad well hopefully..... I have a white classic WRX with black wheels. No your right, Devizes isn't very far away.
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