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Everything posted by zebedee

  1. I was also thinking about 2 turns should do it, but will try it one at a time, when I can get the bonnet open too much snow on it I also noticed Andy Forrest is doing Power FC for my car fitted and mapped for £695, I think that might be a good way to go if I can get some overtime in If I don't manage m8 I will give you a shout Thanks again.
  2. I had a lovely 3 hour drive home from work last night, bit of an eye opener! my car didn't want to go in a straight line, very tail happy, even at slow speeds, but I did use the works car park for a drift session before I left
  3. Maybe you are becoming a bad influence on them m8
  4. Good news Big D, 1mm restrictor fitted and over boost and hesitation cured Bad news is it is only pulling 0.9 bar in any gear, and very slow at getting there. Do you think I may need to adjust the arm on the actuator?
  5. Update: It is snowing heavy here in Farnborough....... Good job I don't have any steeps hills to go up or down when I leave
  6. I will have to see how I stand at work before I can say if I will be over for defo, but I will find out during the week. I think it would be a good thing to go down the route of a apexi boost controller rather than the manual thingie..... Thanks Big D, you are a top banana.......
  7. I'm at work in Farnborough all night, I hope I don't get snowed in here, that would really suck
  8. Put the restrictor in today, it has reduced boost to 1.2bar now but still over boosting, I put it in the very bottom pipe, one that leads to my induction kit? I think the hole in the restrictor is bigger than 1mm, so while I am at work tonight I will make one with a 1mm hole in it and try that. If I can't stop it over boosting what would be my best thing to do next? maybe that little gizmo you have in your STi?
  9. There was a lot on nice Scoobs, I'm not sure what I am going to spend my money on now
  10. Thanks m8 It does sound awesome, nearly as loud as Edmondo's now
  11. The dump valve mod worked very well thank you no hissing, oh I also have turbo chatter as well now Thanks for all your help, very much appreciated. If I have time tomorrow I will check to see what ECU I have, if it has been changed.
  12. Thanks m8 for doing my de-cat today Brilliant job....... I have found the restrictor, will put it in tomorrow, that hesitation I had cleared up a little and was only doing it if it hit overboost.
  13. It was a good turn out. Good to meet you all
  14. Ok m8, will be looking out for you.......
  15. Ok m8, what will you be driving? You mean to say "you will TRY to catch up"
  16. I have heard about you Wiltshire type's
  17. This will be the first time I have met any of you guys from this area.........
  18. Damn! Am I missing out again.....
  19. See u at 7 at Leigh Delamare m8. I drive a White Classic with Black wheels.
  20. I didn't think it could be the A36 as I use that to go to work and that is in totally the different direction I could meet you in the Services car park? What time?
  21. Isn't the A46 that joins Bath to the M4? Or am I thinking of somewhere completely different Are you going past Leigh Delamare Services m8?
  22. Is there anyone going from the Radstock/Bath area that I could convoy up with?
  23. I have to work a night shift 9pm-6am Drive home from Farnborough to Radstock. Wash the car. Play Golf. And hopefully sleep Oh then drive to Swindon
  24. Maybe it is time that us in the "Scooby Cult" have our own secret handshake so to speak just like the Masons
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