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Everything posted by ScottyRB320

  1. JD, I am in Stirling not too far from Lanark if you want to borrow mine? Also a decent Canon EOS 350D if you need to take pics as well. More than happy to lend you both if you can arrange pick up and drop back at mine unless you want to run the risk of posting them back and forth??? Regards ScottyB
  2. Fight...Fight...Fight......... Too good an opportunity to miss guys, how about we say the one who gets it wrong donates 25 quid to the Richard Burns Foundation and i will match it so they get 50 quid.......Interested???????? Had a chat with Mike Wood at Prodrive, keeping what he said close to my chest until you 2 commit yourselves to the gentlemans bet...... For fairness i will take photos of the cause once discovered so no foul play can be called. So who's going to bottle it.......??? Regards ScottyB
  3. Emoe, Thanks for the phone call mate, really appreciated, i owe you a beer or 10! Will investigate Turbo Seal failure as you very kindly talked me through. Will also pull the plugs and check back pressure on oil filler cap as we discussed. Will keep you posted on what i find. Regards ScottyB
  4. Thanks for the heads up Casper, something else for the lads to check - Good info mate and i will add it to the list of things to be investigated. I am 100% certain the cats and other boxes are absorbing the oil, the cat is tinking away like a good in even after a very short slow speed drive. Someone else has commented that because i am using fully Synth oils that we may not see as much oil smoke as we would expect, that combined with the cats absorbing the majority of it and being coked up may explain why we are not seeing any at all? Regards ScottyB
  5. Yeah full warranty Paul - spoke to Gav today at Ian Grieves going to have a long chat with their top man tomorrow morning, they have been excellent can't fault them, full strip and poke about to find out what is wrong next week. Agreed Dipsy, compression seems fine, car is pulling as it should 1/2/3 gear as per my original post, small flat spot 4/5th gears as previously discussed. If they haven't done already i will get Ian Grieves to do one when they take it in. Surely if the rings were damaged or sticking i would have a noticeable loss of performance and or power or am i wrong? Regards ScottyB
  6. I know Unc, Not good at all. Between me and John we are using half the North Sea Oil quota on a weekly basis! Keeps me in a job though so shouldn't complain Was going to give shagger a phone to see if he was up and about, you around this afternoon? Might pop and see you was planning to go and take a drive out to see the Rock in Airth.
  7. Hi Al, Absolutely! Am going to give Mike Wood a call Monday. He has been excellent so hopefully will be able to help out. On a side note buy shares in Shell Oil's trying to keep my chin up with some humour. Regards ScottyB
  8. Hi Guys, Looking to pick a few brains and hopefully come across a fellow SIDC member who has had a similar problem and found a fix, the issue does not have to be with an RB320 history of any similar problems with any Scooby welcome. Bought the RB320 5-6 weeks ago from Gav at Ian Grieves. Have been noticing a large amount of oil being used, Gav has had the car back to do some other work on it for me and they specifically looked at the oil use and could find no problems. I was in at Duncan at Hypertech checking on the progress of my mate John's Type 25 Litchfield and he too had a quick look on the ramps and could find no serious leak. Finally followed my mate Buster through to AWD yesterday as they were carrying out 4-5 hours work on his Tommy Mak Evo and they kindly had a look and found a few issues details below, but first an indication of how bad the oil consumption is. Car was on the high mark on the dip, checked and filled by Ian Grieves, travelled to Aberdeen and back motorway use sitting at 80 mph on the clocks did not boot it at all behaved all the way there and back (240 mile round trip) 1 spirited drive to Elgin and back for the Moray Monthly meet, along back roads making steady progress but still being sensible in 30's 40's and 50 mile limits, being really gentle allowing the car to warm up really well and cool down before turning off after driving. (120 miles round trip) Car has used 4 litres in 360 miles, i am having to put a litre in every 90 miles! Only the best fully Synth Helix Ultra Engine underwent a full rebuild by Prodrive only 2000 miles ago before i bought it so should be like new! Yesterday Just below half yesterday when i left Stirling to follow my mate to AWD in Perth. We left the car to settle for 45 minutes, flat area of course and she took 2 litres to get back to full as witnessed by Andy and his boys. Andy kindly stayed on late on a Saturday night to run some diagnostics on the car go over it fully and take it for a spin. We found the following problems: AFR Learning number 3 not moving from 0 when revved - (Should pick up load once above 2-3 thousand revs i believe?) Cat was tinking away like mad even after a very short 5 minute run around a built up area and short section of dual carriageway (Probably full of oil and overheating?) Engine and underneath of car is immaculate not a spot of oil to be seen - And yes the sump plug is in Back of car has no evidence of oil splatter and is cleaned every few days and i would have noiced it No visible reek at all when booting it from behind Andy took it for a spin, car pulls really well 1/2/3 gears as it should. 4/5th gears there is a flat spot between 3-5 thousand revs. Possible problems: The rings have been lined up wrong at the rebuild stage allowing oil to pass the pistons? Cat is defo knackered full of oil no doubt AFR Sensor faulty Any other suggestions really welcome, at a loss to be honest and so are the experts, hopefully someone has suffered similar and can give us a few things to look at. Apologies for the long post but i felt it was important to give as much history as possible. Regards ScottyB
  9. Wow that 22b turn around is top quality work, very impressive indeed! No wonder they are booked up to the end of the year, it may be worth while booking in a slot for next year anyway. Mike, you have issues mate that has go to be the most organised garage i have ever seen in my life and some collection for someone who claims not to be a proffesional. I will be in touch when i am back from working in Aberdeen to have a good chat and to get some tips off you. No probs on hijacking the thread mate it was on topic. Gus have dropped you a note as requested to get the contact details. A huge thanks for all of the detailed replies and links guys, top work. Regards ScottyB
  10. Al, You are a man of many talents mate! I wish i had known i would have left the car with you for a few days on Tuesday and could have collected it today ScottyB
  11. Thanks for the swift replies guys. Would give it a bash myself but to be honest it is such a special car i do not want to mess it up, knowing my luck it would go t1ts up Hopefully Gus will be along to give me the low down and contact details for Proshine. Will defo post some pics once done for all to see. Regards ScottyB
  12. Looking for recommendations for professional car detailing companies, in and around Stirling but happy to travel a bit further for a good job to be done. Wanting to get the RB320 looking like new again. Gav and the guys at Ian Grieves have done an excellent job in getting the obvious stuff done but i wanted to take things one stage further. Looking to get the car professionally washed, clay barred and stripped right back to get rid of all of the road grime/Tar and deposits. I know of a few chips that need doing not obvious to the eye at first glance but i know they are there, back arch just in front of rear wheels for example. Then looking for a machine polish of every single panel followed by an application of a nice long lasting wax, quite happy to pay a bit extra for one of the exotic ones to get a stunning shine on it. Full interior blitz as well. Autobahn Detailing in Aberdeen have come recommended but i would prefer someone closer to home in Stirling. http://www.autobahn-detailing.co.uk/services.htm If anyone has any recommendations that would be appreciated. Regards ScottyB
  13. Close mate of mine John Mc's Litch.............stalks the board now and then. Car will be as good as new once Duncan is finished with it, can't wait to see it on Knockers again where it belongs. Interested in your thoughts on the whiteline goodies once you have had a chance to hav a decent play now they are fitted. Regards ScottyB
  14. 2 x red framed buggies which are fairly rapid - i may be wrong but i am sure they have bike engines in them possibly Hayabusa engines??? They handle and corner very well and give most things a good run for there money. Haven't seen them for a while to be honest. Similar to these bad boys http://www.ragemotorsport.com/ ScottyB
  15. Bruce's taxi's are still regulars if that is the EVO's you are talking about? To be honest they are never a problem, if anything they are out to have a good clear run like the rest of us, and at least you know their cars well looked after as they spend a fortune on keeping them running. I must have done 12+ Hot Marques nights and never had a problem with the rage buggies either? What i would say about the SIDC days from what i have seen is nothing to do with people driving faster or slower on each specific day. What you have to keep in mind on SIDC days is that there are a lot more turbo cars on the track and people therfore doing warm up and cool down laps to protect their engines which often makes it look like people are going slower. Again most people are good when doing this and stay well over to the right with their indicators on, it is all about bearing stuff like this in mind. Driving standards are actually very good at Knockhill if you pick your day right, even Speed Sundays seem slightly better with the 2 new road/track groups, you should try trackdays down South if you want fun and games.......!
  16. You will enjoy it John, We tend to stick to the Hot Marques rather than the speed Sundays as it seems a little more sensible due to the cost of some of the cars as people don't want to bend them. You will be suprised at how familiar most of the faces are. Usual rules, O/T on the left only and most of the guys are good and will move over no problems if you are faster. Regards Scottyb
  17. Not a problem Unc, Having seen you drive your wee beast you are more than welcome! Cannae wait to get out and about with John boy in the Litch for a wee blast one summers day, you will need to get out with us, if it is dry hopefully the rock will bring his toy out to play as well. We should stop off somewhere and get some cracking pictures done for old times sake. Regards Scotty
  18. Hi "The Fastone" I have spoken to Prodrive at length about the car, the engine was stripped down and fully rebuilt by them at 10,000 miles as part of the development process and runs as if it were new having only done 1000 miles since. The mods decision is a difficult one, as i am going to use the car as it was intended i am looking at a set of AP's for it however the original Brembo's will be completely ovehauled and kept in a box so that i can put it back to standard with the correct disks and pads. Any other mods i agree will detract from the history of the car and will probably not be a route i want to go down. I have just noticed your location, i work in Aberdeen even though i live in Stirling, so there is every chance you may see me around the "Auld Granite City" Gees a wave if you do. Regards Scott
  19. Thanks ScoUK, I am having the dilema on the mods side. Nothing daft planned but if i do it will be able to be put back to standard easily. Only visible mod i may be tempted with on the outside of the car is AP's front and back for track use. With the standard Brembos getting an overhaul so they are like new and then put in a box. Regards Scotty B
  20. I certainly am mate and a huge thanks due to yourself for sourcing the car in the first place! The car was minted yesterday even before it has been prepped i can't wait to see it machine polished and looking like new. I will probably be in again today mate, i suppose i had better show the wife where her shoe and handbag slush fund went too! Will try and make a Scottish meet guys and will keep an eye out for dates. Regards Scotty B
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